
  1. 主要表现在挣脱家的梦魇与复仇革命这些途径上,并且塑造了蘩漪,金子,仇虎这些酒神式的人物。

    Mostly show some approaches of loosing family incubus and revenge revolution ;

  2. 蘩漪与安娜便是家庭悲剧中的牺牲品。

    Fanyi and Anna were the sacrifice of the family 's tragedy .

  3. 安娜、蘩漪、娜拉悲剧命运的分析比较

    Comparative Study on the Tragic Destiny of Anna , Fan Yi and Nora

  4. 蘩漪与安娜在自由和爱情面前,她们显得那么叛逆。

    Fanyi and Anna expressed very rebel at the front of the liberal and love .

  5. 被情欲之火灼烧的女人&蘩漪形象新论

    A Woman in the Fire of Lust & On Discussing The Image Creation of FAN Yi

  6. 从欲望的角度对蘩漪加以解读是文学研究新视角的体现。

    Understanding Fan Yi from the angle of her desire is a new approach in literature studies .

  7. 爱就像手中握的沙&试比较德·瑞那夫人与蘩漪

    Romantic Love-the Sand in One 's Hand : A Comparison Between Madame de Renal and Fan Yi

  8. 蘩漪和周萍的矛盾是整部《雷雨》的重要线索,他们的悲剧历程贯穿全剧始终,并起着相当重要的作用。

    The contradiction between Fan Yi and Zhou Ping is the main thread in Rain and Thunder .

  9. 通过蘩漪与安娜的个人悲剧,家庭悲剧,爱情悲剧,反映了各层社会的现实。

    By Fanyi and Anna 's individual , family and love tragedy , the social situation was reflected .

  10. 从蘩漪与安那的身上,让我们看见了跨时代和跨国界的两位女性为了爱情,而进行不息的反抗。

    The nonstop resist was revealed by their two femal sex , for love , who spaned the century and country .

  11. 究其体现上来看:蘩漪是恶之花,是魔,她的美丽就在于她的经历就是一个中国女人的悲剧,即雷雨性格的典型意义,这就构成了蘩漪性格的与众不同之处。

    That is the typical significance of thunderstorm , which is the difference of Fan Yi 's unique character . Fan Yi is beautiful in her aesthetic significance .

  12. 在蘩漪身上,既有资产阶级新女性的反抗个性,又兼具“旧式女人”忍让屈从的封建意识。

    Fan Yi has at once a rebellious personality typical of bourgeois new women , and a feudal ideology of forbearance and submission " old-time women " usually had .

  13. 蘩漪的悲剧,撕开了半封建半残殖民地中国肌体上的脓疮。暴露了旧中国家庭和社会的罪恶。

    The tragedy happened in Fanyi broke up the running sore of Chinese skin in the semicolony and semifeudal society and exploded the guilty in the old chinese family .

  14. 在由内外因交错编织而成的进退两难的困境中,像安娜和蘩漪这样的女性最后不得不以极端的方式来结束或扭曲自己不幸的命运。

    The woman like Anna or Fan Yi confronting the plight of dilemma caused by various reasons , eventually cannot but end or distort their miserable life with extreme methods .

  15. 人格分裂的自我毁灭者《雷雨》中蘩漪形象的无意识心理分析永是不近不远的跟定他试析阿Q的无意识世界

    The Self-destructive Character of Splitting Personality & On discussion about Fan-yi 's unconscious psychology in LEI YU " Always Following him at a Right Distance " - Trial Analysis of Ah Q 's Unconscious World