
  • 网络Shiitake fungus;mycelium mushroom
  1. 研究结果如下(1)双胞蘑菇菌渣堆肥过程中温度、pH值、电导率的变化。

    The main results of this study as follows : ( 1 ) The changes of temperature , pH value , EC value , during the composting of agaricus bisporus residues .

  2. 双孢蘑菇菌糠对小白菜生长及根际土壤的影响

    Effect of Agaricus bisporus residue on the growth of pakchoi and rhizosphere soil

  3. 肉用鸡对蘑菇菌糠添加料适应性的研究

    Study on Broilers Adaptability to Worthless Mushroom Stuff

  4. 接着,注射能吸收棉中糖分和碳水化合物的蘑菇菌柱;

    Next it injects mushroom spawn , which eats the sugars and carbohydrates in the cotton .

  5. 蘑菇、菌糠在四周龄肉用仔鸡日粮中占6%,试验结果比对照组多增重14.3%、饲料消耗下降12.2%。

    In this experiment , the weight of four - Week - old broilers has been increased by 14.3 % and the feed consumption has been reduced by 12.3 % compared with the control group , when 6 % of worthless mushroom stuff is added to the broiler diet .