- 网络Hirohisa Fujii

Hirohisa Fujii , the new finance minister , has said that a stronger yen could give shoppers more buying power , which could boost consumer spending , reducing reliance on exports for economic growth .
Mr Fujii told reporters : Losing the confidence of the market would be damaging to our national interests .
The jump came after Mr Fujii said that current moves in the dollar-yen exchange rate were " not abnormal " .
Later , Mr Fujii appeared to backtrack , insisting that he hoped for foreign exchange stability and that he had never said he would not act in the face of a rising yen .
The appointment of Mr Kan , formerly state minister for national strategy , and a close ally of Mr Hatoyama , comes just a day after Mr Fujii said he wanted to quit .
Mr Fujii had earlier said that a strong yen could give Japanese consumers greater buying power and help to encourage a rebalancing of the economy away from its long-standing dependence on exports for growth .
Mr Fujii 's illness comes at the end of a difficult first four months for Mr Hatoyama 's government , which has been battered by rising unemployment , a slumping economy and political funding scandals .
Although he is not expected to stay in hospital for long , questions are bound to be raised about whether at his age Mr Fujii will be able to continue serving in one of the most demanding posts in the cabinet .