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  1. 薛瑄是明代的理学大师,河东学派的开创者。

    Xue Xuan is a master of Neo-confucianism of Ming Dynasty , the pioneer of east school .

  2. 吕柟,明中叶著名的理学家,是薛瑄的嫡传弟子,为河东学派在明中叶的主要代表人物。

    Lv Nan , as the famous Neo-Confucianism scholar in Ming Dynasty , was the disciple of Xue Xuan , and an important representative of Hedong School .

  3. 笔者认为,随着时代的前进,对薛瑄思想的探讨,不应只停留在上个世纪,而是应该不断地推陈出新。

    I believe that , with the development of philosophy of thinking of Xue Xuan , it should not stop in the last century , but rather moves forward .

  4. 在易学起源的问题上,他沿袭薛瑄等人观念,认为圣人之易,不过模写其象数而已,易书的形成是对天地万物的模拟效仿。

    On the origin of Yi-ology , he followed the concepts of Xue Xuan and other people , considering that " Sages ' opinion of Yi is just image-numerology ", and the formation of the book Yi is the simulation and emulate of universe .