
  • 网络Tsai Ting-kai
  1. 蔡廷锴们不是同红军打过死仗的吗?

    Did not Tsai Ting-kai and his associates once fight bitterly against the red army ?

  2. 如果同蔡廷锴握手的话,那必须在握手的瞬间骂他一句反革命。

    If we shake hands with Tsai ting-kai , we must call him a counter-revolutionary at the same moment .

  3. 蔡廷锴(10)等人领导的十九路军是代表什么阶级的利益呢?

    Whose class interests does the 19th Route Army led by Tsai Ting-kai [ 10 ] and others represent ?

  4. 对蒋光鼐、蔡廷锴两师,则打成对峙,让其逃去了。

    As for the divisions under Chiang Kuang-nai and Tsai Ting-kai , the fight resulted in a stalemate and they got away .

  5. 以蔡廷锴的第十九路军、孙连仲的第二十六路军、朱绍良的第六路军为最强或较强,其余均较弱。

    Among them the19th Route Army under Tsai ting-kai , the26th under sun lien-chung and the8th under Chu Shao-liang were strong , or fairly strong , while all the rest were rather weak .

  6. 破裂的,分裂的与分裂有关的;引起混乱的;或由分裂或破坏造成的这种破裂,表现于民族资产阶级的动摇,表现于冯玉祥、蔡廷锴、马占山等风头一时的抗日人物。

    Relating to , causing , or produced by disruption . Such splits have revealed themselves in the vacillation of the national bourgeoisie and the emergence of such anti-Japanese figures as Feng Yu-hsiang , Tsai Ting-kai and Ma Chan-shan , who have become popular for a time .