
lán dàn bái
  • blue protein
  1. C、D两组分别以藻蓝蛋白和二甲双胍灌胃治疗。

    Group C and D were treated with phycocyanin and metformin respectively .

  2. 不同pH条件下R-藻红蛋白和C-藻蓝蛋白荧光寿命的研究

    Studies on the fluorescence lifetime of R-phycoerythrin and C-phycocyanin at various pH

  3. 藻蓝蛋白的稳定性实验表明,藻蓝蛋白在30℃以下,酒精浓度在10%以下,pH值在6~8的范围内比较稳定。

    And phycocyanin is stable under 30 ℃, 10 % alcohol concentration and pH6 ~ 8 .

  4. 从单细胞蓝藻钝顶螺旋藻中纯化C藻蓝蛋白,从海洋红藻多管藻纯化R藻红蛋白。

    The C-phycocyanin and the R-phycoerythrin were purified from the blue-green alga Spirulina platensis and red alga Polysiphonia urceolata respectively .

  5. 整合蛋白β1在藻蓝蛋白抑制白血病细胞系K562细胞增殖中的作用

    Effects of Integrin β 1 on Phycocyanin Inhibiting Proliferation of K562 Cells

  6. 藻蓝蛋白对脑缺血再灌注后NF-κB和IL-6表达及神经细胞凋亡的影响

    Effects of phycocyanin on the expressions of NF - κ B , IL-6 and neuronal apoptosis after cerebral ischemic reperfusion in rats

  7. 藻蓝蛋白的疏水性表明它可能是类囊体膜上的一种疏水蛋浙江大学博士学位论文第VI页白通过复制而产生的。

    This shows that the phycocyanin may be produced by the replication of a hydrophobic protein .

  8. 用吸收、荧光、红外等谱学方法研究了藻蓝蛋白(PC)与Se(IV)的相互作用。

    The reaction of Se ( IV ) with Phycocyanin ( PC ) was investigated by ultraviolet , spectrofluorometry and infrared methods .

  9. 钝顶螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白诱导HeLa细胞凋亡的分子机制研究

    Study on the molecular mechanism of C-phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis induced apoptosis in HeLa cells

  10. 藻蓝蛋白(Cphycocyanin,CPC)是从钝顶螺旋藻(SpirulinaPlatensis)中分离、纯化所得。

    C - phycocyanin ( C - PC ) was isolated and purified from blue - green alga Spirulina platensis .

  11. 极大螺旋藻(Spirulinamaxima)藻蓝蛋白基因的克隆及其同源性分析

    Cloning and Sequencing of the Phycocyanin Gene from Spirulina maxima and Its Homology Analysis

  12. 藻蓝蛋白对大鼠脑缺血再灌注后MMP-2和MMP-9表达的影响

    Effects of phycocyanin on the expressions of matrix metalloproteinase 2 and 9 after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion in rats

  13. 钝顶螺旋藻C-藻蓝蛋白分子的STM研究

    Study on the Structure of C Phycocyanin in Spirulina platensis with Scanning Tunneling Microscope

  14. 藻蓝蛋白对Hela细胞CD59基因表达调控作用的研究

    Study of regulatory effect of phycocyanin on CD59 gene expression of Hela cells

  15. 别藻蓝蛋白基因在毕赤酵母(Pichiapastoris)中的表达

    Expression of allophycocyanin gene in Pichia pastoris

  16. 探讨了钝顶螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白(PC)对Hela细胞CD59基因表达的调控作用。

    The regulatory effect of phycocyanin from spirulina platensis on CD59 gene expression of Hela cells was studied .

  17. 钝顶螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白的稳定性试验研究从酒精浓度、温度和pH几个方面研究了外界因素对钝顶螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白稳定性的影响。

    This article studied the influences on the stability of the phycocyanin in Spirulina platensis from the outer factors , such as the alcohol concentration , the temperature and pH.

  18. 日本(虫寻)(Charybdisjaponica)血蓝蛋白的分离纯化及其酚氧化酶样生物化学性质的研究

    Purification of Hemocyanin from Charybdis Japonica and Biochemical Properties of Hemocyanin Derived Phenoloxidase-Like Enzyme

  19. 本文利用拉曼光谱分析技术,对纯化后的螺旋藻C藻蓝蛋白(CPC)分子,在0075mol/L盐溶液中的空间结构进行了分析。

    The Raman spectroscopic analysis method is employed to determine the spatial structural properties in the apoprotein of the light harvesting biliprotein C phycocyanin ( i.e. C PC ) from the cyanobacterium Spirulina platensis .

  20. 目的:研究螺旋藻提取物&藻蓝蛋白对2型糖尿病大鼠胰岛细胞中NF-κB、IκB及iNOS表达的影响,探讨藻蓝蛋白的胰岛细胞保护机制。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of spirulina platensis extract & phycocyanin on the expression of NF - κ B 、 I κ B and iNOS in islet cells of type 2 diabetes mellitus in rats .

  21. 目的探讨藻蓝蛋白对大鼠局灶性脑缺血再灌注后基质金属蛋白酶-2和9(MMP-2和MMP-9)表达的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of phycocyanin on the expressions of matrix metalloproteinase 2 and 9 ( MMP-2 and MMP-9 ) after focal cerebral ischemic reperfusion in rats .

  22. 三刺鲎(Tachypleustridentatus)血淋巴的研究1.血蓝蛋白的分离及其免疫原性的研究

    Studies on the horseshoe crab ( tachypleus tridentatus ) hemolymph 1.separation and immunogenicity of hemocyanin

  23. 藻蓝蛋白组MMP-9阳性细胞变化趋势与对照组相似,同一时间点相比明显低于对照组。

    In the phycocyanin group , the expression of MMP-9 was significantly lower than that in control group , and the time-phase pattern of MMP-9 was similar to that in control group .

  24. 与已发现的抗菌肽不同的是这3种肽带负电荷,与血蓝蛋白C端序列的一致性达95%100%,由此表明它来自对虾呼吸作用蛋白血蓝蛋白的裂解片断。

    The peptides display 95 % to 100 % sequence identity with a C terminal sequence of hemocyanin indicating they are cleaved fragments of the shrimp respiratory protein . Contrary to the cationic antimicrobial peptides , the three antifungal peptides present a negative net charge at physiological pH.

  25. 藻蓝蛋白裂合酶CpeS色氨酸定点诱变及体内重组功能研究

    Site-directed Mutagenesis of the CpeS of Phycocyanin and Study on the Function with Reconstitution in vivo

  26. 在工程菌株JM109中实现了带有6×His标记的新型重组别藻蓝蛋白HAPC的高效表达。

    A new 6 × His · tag recombinant allophycocyanin HAPC was efficiently expressed in E.

  27. 血蓝蛋白与IgSF同源关系的研究

    Investigation of Homology Between Hemocyanin and IgSF Molecules

  28. Cu是甲壳动物体内必需的微量营养素,不仅是酚氧化酶、超氧化物歧化酶活性中心的重要因子,也是合成血蓝蛋白的必需成分,但是高浓度的铜亦会对生物体会产生毒害作用。

    Copper is a essential micronutrients of the crustaceans . It is not only a phenoloxidase and superoxide dismutase activity center factor , but also an essential component of hemocyanin . However , high concentrations of copper will produce toxic effects on crustacean .

  29. M1-3的藻蓝蛋白含量高于出发藻株202%;

    Phycocyanin content in M1-3 was 20.2 % higher than those of PS.

  30. 两株淡水微囊藻的藻蓝蛋白基因间隔序列(PC-IGS)分析

    The analysis of PC-IGS sequences from four freshwater Microcystis sp