
  • 网络blue series;Shades of blue;Blue tone
  1. 所有这种鸟的羽毛在面部基本都是黑的,通常它们身上的羽毛也是黄色(绿色系的鸟)或白色(蓝色系的鸟)。

    All of the feathers on the face of this very special bird are black where they would ordinarily be either yellow ( Green series birds ) or white ( Blue series birds ) .

  2. 从Jasmine到Belle,从Ariel到SnowWhite,她们都穿着蓝色系的衣服。

    From Jasmine to Belle , from Ariel to Snow White , they all wear blue in some shade or other .

  3. 蓝色系植物资源是花系中稀有种类。

    The blue flowering plant is relatively rare in all kinds of flower series .

  4. 颜色更深或更浓的布料能更好地吸收紫外线。深蓝色系吸收紫外线能力最强,而黄色系吸收能力最弱。

    Deep blue shades offered the highest absorption , while yellow shades offered the least .

  5. 我想我也要这对耳环,因为都是相同的蓝色系。

    I think I 'll take these earrings , too . They 're the same shade of blue .

  6. 这个阿凡达叫平和之家,是基于一个朴素的混凝土墩子之上用木制架构和蓝色系混凝土板围合成的空间。以此来反应当地混凝土工业的历史文化元素。

    Called House Equanimity , the residence has a concrete base topped by a wooden frame and blue concrete panels , referencing the concrete industry local to the area .

  7. 墨绿、枣红、咖啡色、金黄色都会使你看来自然高雅,相反蓝色系则与你格格不入,最好别穿蓝色系的上衣。

    Blackish green , red , brown , yellow will make you seem natural elegance , instead of blue and you are the best , don 't wear blue fastens coat .

  8. 这是我儿子劳里上幼儿园的第一天。他正式告别了灯芯绒背带裤扎围嘴的行头,换上了蓝色牛仔裤系腰带的装束。

    The day my son Laurie started kindergarten he renounced corduroy overalls with bibs and began wearing blue jeans with a belt ;

  9. 他衣冠楚楚,穿着灰色西服、蓝色衬衫,系着一条佩斯利花纹领带。

    He was elegantly dressed in a grey suit , blue shirt and paisley tie .

  10. 你更喜欢灰色、蓝色此类冷色系?

    Do you prefer those cold colors such as grey and blue ?

  11. 他穿着非常深的蓝色衬衫,系一条柠檬黄的领带,戴着一副角质框架的眼镜。

    He wore very dark blue shirts , a lemon-yellow tie , and horn-rimmed glasses .

  12. 通过基因工程手段培育出蓝色百合新品系是目前花卉分子育种的研究重点。

    Breeding blue Lily flower is the research emphasis of flower molecular breeding via genetic engineering .

  13. 瓦伦丁开着奔驰来到了乔布斯家的车库,穿着蓝色西装和系领扣的衬衫,打着棱纹领带。

    Valentine arrived at the Jobses ' garage in a Mercedes wearing a blue suit , button-down shirt , and rep tie .

  14. 和这里许多着装考究的高薪白领一样,王身穿深蓝色西服,系金色领带。

    Here , and many of the fancy dress well-paid white-collar workers , Wang was wearing a dark blue suit , gold tie line .

  15. 近期在广州举办的第八届性文化节上展出的一个公仔身穿深蓝色西装,系着红色领带,奥巴马的脸被精心网版印刷到这个公仔头部。

    A doll wearing a dark blue suit and red tie , and with Obama 's face carefully screen-printed onto its head , was exhibited at the recent8th Sex Culture Festival in Guangzhou .

  16. 那是一个蓝色皮包,还系有一张名牌。

    It 's a blue leather with a name tag attached to it .

  17. 罗伯特穿一身深色西装,蓝色的衬衫上系着一条红领带。

    Robert is in a dark suit , with a blue shirt and red tie .

  18. 如果你喜欢深蓝色裤子,试试深紫色的裤子也不算过火,因为它们同属蓝色系。

    Or if you like navy blue trousers , it is not such a big move to try deep purple trousers , which have a blue cast .