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lán tián
  • Lantian
蓝田 [lán tián]
  • [Lantian] 陕西省西安市辖的县。位于渭河平原南沿,人口53万。为蓝田猿人骨化石发现地

  1. 以蓝田股份为个例的试点检验进一步表明,在违约点为流动负债时,KMV模型能够及时准确地识别出上市公司的信用质量变化趋势。

    This conclusion is also confirmed by pilot test that KMV model can recognize the changes of credit quality of Lantian stock company ( 600709 , SH ) .

  2. 静乐红土(包括静乐剖面,榆林剖面,蓝田剖面)对应于Gauss正极性带与Gilbert负极性带,年龄约2.50~5.30Ma。

    The Jingle red clay ( consists of red clay in the Jingle section , Yulin section and Lantian section ) corresponds to the Gauss normal polarity zone and Gilbert reverse zone in the interval 2 . 50 ~ 5 . 30 Ma as well .

  3. 以Mo/Mn和V/(V+Ni)比率相结合作为氧化还原环境指标,确认缺氧还原环境是蓝田组的重要特征之一。

    With Mo / Mn ratio combining with V / ( V + Ni ) ratio as an indicator of redox environment , a strongly anoxic environment is determined as one of the important features in LF .

  4. 蓝田铀矿区出露的基性岩脉主要为两种类型:一种是深灰绿色煌斑岩脉,按国际地科联推荐的煌斑岩分类方案属云煌岩,按Rittmann的划分标准,属于亚碱性岩系。

    There is two types of mafic dikes in Lantian uranium field . One is dark green lamprophyre , minette ( according to the IUGS recommended lamprophyre classification scheme ) .

  5. 从哺乳动物群的变化分析蓝田地区第四纪古气候的发展

    Change of Quaternary Palaeoclimate in Lantian Area by Analyzing Mammalian Faunas

  6. 陕西蓝田地区第四纪哺乳动物群的划分

    The subdivision of Quaternary mammalian faunas of Lantian district , shaanxi

  7. 第三节是蓝田的个案研究。

    The third section is a case study of Lan Tian .

  8. 陕西蓝田丹凤群上段风暴沉积

    The Storm Deposits in Danfeng Group in Lantian , Shaanxi

  9. 蓝田县森林生态系统服务价值的评价

    Evaluation on comprehensive service benefits of the forest ecosystem in Lantian County

  10. 中国黄土剖面蓝田正极性亚带之确认

    Confirmation of Normal Polarity Subzone in Chinese Loess Section

  11. 化学杀虫剂对春甘蓝田节肢动物群落结构的影响

    The Effects of Chemical Pesticides on Arthropod Community in Spring Wild Cabbage Field

  12. 蓝田县区域发展初探

    On Regional Development and Spatial Structure of Lantian County

  13. 西安蓝田人工林地土壤干层研究

    Research of dried layer of soil below artificial forest near Xi ′ an

  14. 蓝田县食用碘盐防治地方性甲状腺肿效果评价

    Effect Evaluation of Iodized Edible Salt Control of Endemic Goiter in Lantian County

  15. 芥蓝田主要害虫种群生态位研究

    The niche of key pests in Chinese kale fields

  16. 蓝田红明栗的选育研究

    Breeding Research of Lantian Bright bed Chinese Chestnut

  17. 原地爆破浸出采铀技术在蓝田铀矿的应用

    Application of stope leaching in Lantian Uranium Mine

  18. 蓝田铀矿某矿床碱法堆浸工业性试验

    Industrial test of alkaline heap leaching at a uranium deposit of Lantian Uranium Mine

  19. 陕西蓝田县森林生态环境补偿问题研究

    Study on the Problem of Forest Ecological Environment Compensation in Lantian County , Shaanxi Province

  20. 陕西蓝田涝池河晚更新世哺乳动物化石

    Late Pleistocene mammals from lantian , shensi

  21. 陕西蓝田黄土剖面中的微生物初步研究

    A preliminary investigation on the microorganisms from the loess section in lantian , Shanxi Province

  22. 蓝田学生健康服务中心

    Lam Tin Student Health Service Centre

  23. 蓝田冶炼厂周边农田土壤重金属含量及形态分析

    Analysis on the characteristics of heavy metals in contaminated farm land soil around the Lantian smelter

  24. 小约翰·福布斯·纳什1928年6月13日出生在西弗吉尼亚州的蓝田。

    John Forbes Nash Jr. was born June 13 , 1928 , in Bluefield , W.Va .

  25. 蓝田、长安人工林地土层含水量研究表土段沙砾含水层斜井施工方法探索

    Probe into the Construction Method of Inclined Shaft on Sand and Gravel Aquifer in Surface Soil Section

  26. 西安东郊和蓝田偏白村剖面黄土含水量研究

    Researching in the moisture content of loess profile in east suburb in Xi ′ an and Lantian county

  27. 本研究的样区主要位于西安南郊和蓝田县附近。

    This study focuses on such areas as the southern part of Xi ' an and near Lantian county .

  28. 为实现蓝田县森林生态环境补偿价值提出了退耕还林政策优化的路径。

    The thesis proposes some constructive countermeasures to realize the valve of forest ecological environment compensation in Lantian county .

  29. 涟源古塘方言与蓝田方言疑问句比较有一定差异。

    Comparing to the Lantian dialect , the interrogative sentences of Gutang dialect of Lianyuan have a certain difference .

  30. 蓝田县林业资源压力度、旅游资源压力度下降,逐步向良性化发展。

    Moreover , the Pressure Degree of forestry resources and tourism resources were descending and turned to benign development gradually .