
lán jīng shí
  • kyanite;cyanite;disthene;zianite
蓝晶石[lán jīng shí]
  1. 蓝晶石类矿物选矿工艺和生产实践

    Mining Techniques and production Practice of Disthene Ore

  2. 在不同介质pH条件下,蓝晶石与伴生矿物在浮选行为上存在较大差异,构成了蓝晶石浮选的基础.蓝晶石的浮选要根据脉石的不同选用不同的方案。

    Under different pH values of the medium , remarkable difference exists between cyanite and its associated minerals in their notation behaviour , which forms the basis of cyanite flotation . The scheme should be selected according to the variation of the gangue minerals for the flotation of cyanite .

  3. 绿辉石与蓝晶石在分解时并不形成一个封闭体系,它们均从周围环境中获取SiO2。

    The decomposition of both omphacite and kyanite obtained silica from their surroundings .

  4. 分别测定了蓝晶石、红柱石和硅线石三种铝硅酸盐天然矿物晶体以及K2O-Al2O3-SiO2三元铝硅酸盐玻璃的Raman光谱。

    Raman spectra of aluminosilicate minerals , namely kyanite , andalusite , and sillimanite and K_2O-Al_2O_3-SiO_2 glasses were recorded .

  5. 最外层由柯石英和蓝晶石组成的格架中分布细粒的Si金红石和Ti-Mg-K-Na-Ca氧化物。

    Ti-Mg-K-Na-Ca oxide crystals and Si - ( rutile ) occur as interstitial materials within the framework formed by coesite and kyanite .

  6. 其中含蓝晶石二云母片岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄为(432±35)Ma;

    Whole-rock samples from the kyanite-bearing two-mica schist give a Rb-Sr isochron age of ( 432 ± 35 ) Ma , probably representing the age of a metamorphic event .

  7. 黝帘石-蓝晶石-柯石英组合的出现指示大别山榴辉岩的压力上限未达到硬柱石的稳定区域,其形成压力不会超过4.0~4.5GPa。

    The occurrence of zoisite + kyanite + coesite assemblage indicates that the upper pressure limit of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains does not reach the stability field of lawsonite , and therefore could not exceed 4 . 0-4 . 5 GPa .

  8. 红柱石、蓝晶石、硅线石对莫来石&刚玉材料性能的影响

    Effect of Andalusite Kyanite and Sillimanite on Properties of Mullite-corundum Materials

  9. 隐山蓝晶石矿选矿工艺流程及综合利用研究

    Study on Processing Flowsheet and Multipurpose Utilization of Yinshan Cyanite Mine

  10. 蓝晶石、粘土矿物在耐火可塑料中的作用

    The Functions of Kyanite and Clay in the Plastic Refractory

  11. 片岩&石英岩型蓝晶石矿床的成矿原岩是富铝粘土质砂岩。

    Ore-forming protolith of schist-quartzite type kyanite deposits is Al-rich clayey sandstone .

  12. 研究了盐酸处理对蓝晶石可浮性的影响。

    The influence of hydrochloric acid treatment on kyanite floatability is stud-ied .

  13. 蓝晶石对铝矾土基喷涂料性能的影响

    Effects of Kyanite Additions on Properties of Bauxite-based Gunning Refractory

  14. 河南隐山蓝晶石矿床中的放射状蓝晶石集合体

    Radiated aggregation of Kyanite in the Yinshan kyanite deposit from Henan Province

  15. 蓝晶石对氧化铝基复合陶瓷型芯性能的影响

    Effect of Kyanite on Properties of Alumina-Based Ceramic Core Composites

  16. 蓝晶石能有效地抑制涂料的高温收缩。

    The linear change after heating may be reduced by adding kyanite .

  17. 表面酸处理对蓝晶石可浮性的影响及机理研究

    Influence of acid treatment on kyanite floatability and study of flotation mechanism

  18. 蓝晶石对低水泥浇注料性能的影响

    Effect of Kyanite on Performance of Low Cement Castable

  19. 蓝晶石族矿物的应用研究现状和趋势

    Present use situation and trend of Kyanite group minerals

  20. 蓝晶石类同质异相矿物浮选行为的量子化学研究

    Flotation behavior of KYANITE-GROUP polymorphous minerals by quantum chemistry

  21. 红柱石属多晶型物,含蓝晶石和硅线石两种不同矿物。

    Andalusite is a polymorph with two other minerals , Kyanite and Sillimanite .

  22. 蓝晶石原位合成氮化铝结合碳化硅复相材料基于衰减电流分量的双树复小波相位选线原理

    Line Selection Principle Using Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Phase Based on Decaying Current Component

  23. 蓝晶石和石英浮选行为的研究(待续)

    Study on the Flotation Behaviour of Kyanite and Quartz ( to be continued )

  24. 韩山蓝晶石矿床成因研究

    A study of the genesis of the Hanshan kyanite ore deposits in Jiangsu Province

  25. 蓝晶石-硅线石型相系

    Kyanite-sillimanite type facies series silicon npn mesa transistor

  26. 蓝晶石+黄玉与柯石英一起稳定于超高压条件下。

    Kyanite + topaz + coesite associations were stable under the ultra high pressure .

  27. 河南大别山区榴辉岩及蓝晶石石英岩中柯石英的发现

    Discovery coesite in eclogue and kyanite quartzite from the Dabie mountains , henan Province

  28. 华北地台蓝晶石矽线石矿床地质特征和控矿因素

    Geological feature and ore-control factors of Kyanite and silimanite in the North China Platform

  29. 氮化硅粘合碳化硅耐火材料蓝晶石原位合成氮化铝结合碳化硅复相材料

    Silicon-nitride-bonded silicon carbide refractory In-situ Synthesis of AlN / SiC Multiphase Ceramics from Kyanite

  30. 利用蓝晶石制作轻质莫来石耐火砖的研究

    Manufacture of Mullite Fire Bricks Using Kyanite