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  • 网络Blue Zone;Blue Area
  1. 紫外光激发下,转光农膜的蓝区发射光谱存在氙灯特征峰及膜中树脂、助剂的干扰,采用对照膜可以进行校正。

    The emission spectra within blue area of SCF is interfered by the characteristic spectra of Xe-lamp from fluorescence spectrophotometer and that of the resins and plastic additives in SCF , which can be corrected with reference film .

  2. 其实在这次蓝区远征前我们已经调查了两个蓝区

    In fact we 've done two more Blue Zone expeditions since this

  3. 观察到亚麻酸对叶绿体结构有显著的影响,并可提高叶绿体囊状体膜在蓝区和红区的吸收峰值,以及F(685)和F(738)的相对荧光产量。

    Linolenic acid increases the absorption peaks in both red and blue regions of the chloroplast membranes .

  4. 结果表明,SDS处理时,PSⅠ在红区和蓝区的表观吸收峰值下降,峰位蓝移;

    The results were : SDS led to the reduction of apparent absorption intensity and blue shift of absorption peaks ;

  5. CPI在红区和蓝区的吸收峰分别位于677nm和438nm处。

    CPI had absorption peaks at 677 nm in the red region and at 438 nm in the blue region .

  6. 在强碱性(pH13-14)条件下,PSI颗粒在蓝区和红区的吸收峰均出现明显的蓝移现象。

    In contrast , severe basic incubations ( pH13-14 ) led to clear blue-shift of peaks both in the blue and red regions .

  7. 它的红区最大吸收峰在672nm;蓝区最大吸收峰在436nm。

    Another chlorophyll-protein complex zone with intermediate mobility is termed complex II ( CP ⅱ), with a red absorbance maximum at 672 nm and a blue absorbance maximum at 436 nm .

  8. 因此,对蓝区研究的前提是:如果我们能找到

    So the premise of Blue Zones : if we can find the

  9. 金刚石薄膜蓝区电致发光研究

    Study on blue range electroluminescence of diamond thin films

  10. 想让我找个美国的蓝区。

    wanted me to find America 's Blue Zone .

  11. 对蓝区项目的假定。

    the premise of this Blue Zone project .

  12. 我们找的第二个蓝区

    We found our second Blue Zone

  13. 选区的再划分使保守党的据点并入了历史上的蓝区,而失去了民主党的堡垒重镇新贝德福德,整个选区重新组合。

    Redistricting has reconfigured the historically blue district to include conservative strongholds , while losing New Bedford , a Democratic bastion .

  14. 我们发现第一个蓝区距离撒丁岛的意大利海岸大约125英里

    We found our first Blue Zone about 125 miles off the coast of Italy , on the island of Sardinia .

  15. 报道了金刚石薄膜的蓝区电致发光现象,总结了几种有关金刚石薄膜蓝区发光A带的发光机理。

    The phenomenon of the blue range electroluminescence of the boron doped diamond thin films is reported , and the several light emission mechanisms on band A are summarized .

  16. 电子控制和传感器,水龙头的水流量开放,是由一个发亮的发光二极管发出的光波段的变动,从蓝区到红区会观察到水温。

    Incorporating electronic controls and sensors , the faucet 's open water flow is illuminated by an LED light band that changes from blue to red depending on water temperature .

  17. 符山石玉,又名加州玉,是近年来出现在市场上的宝玉石新品种,其外观、相对密度及蓝区可见光吸收光谱与翡翠非常相似。

    A new jade & idocrase jade , also known as californite , is found in the market in China . It is similar to jadeite jade in the appearance , relative density and visible absorption spectrum .

  18. 在不同浓度的K~+和Mg~(2+)的存在下,红区的吸收峰几乎完全重叠,仅在蓝区稍有变化。

    In the presence of K ~ + and Mg ~ ( 2 + ) of various concentrations , the absorption peaks at the red region overlapped almost completely , and these at the blue region only changed slightly with ion concentrations .

  19. 蓝斑区注射P物质拮抗剂则有对抗电针内关阻止血浆内皮素含量增高的作用。

    The injection of the antagonist of P matter at locus ceruleus area has the antagonizing effect against the effect of electrical acupuncture in preventing the increase of the content of plasma endothelins .

  20. 结果电针内关穴和P物质注入蓝斑区能够抑制急性心肌缺血后血浆内皮素含量的异常增高,但二者没有协同作用。

    RESULT Electrical acupuncture at Neiguan and injection of P matter at locus ceruleus area could inhibit the abnormal increase of plasma endothelins after the occurrence of acute myocardial ischemia , but the two methods did not have the synergic effect .

  21. 腹腔注射MPTP后,模型组鼠的黑质和蓝斑区的2-DG摄取量较对照组鼠明显增加,并表现出明显的行为异常反应。

    Following MPTP intoxication , 2-DG uptake was increased in the substantia nigra and locus ceruleus . At the same time , obvious abnormal behavior of the animals was induced .

  22. 生油岩荧光光谱特征为:荧光强度大(>40)λmax在450nm左右,光谱位于蓝绿光区,演化程度属高成熟原油阶段。

    Fluorescence spectral characteristics of the oil-generating rocks are : strong fluores-cence intensity ( > 40 ), around 450 nm , and spectra being located in the blue-green light region , indicating a high-maturity oil stage .

  23. 损毁双侧蓝斑区引起血尿的实验研究

    Experimental study on the Hematuria Induced by Bilateral Lesions in Locus Coeruleus Area in Rats

  24. 除此,还发现隐藏在蓝脆区的氢诱发裂纹。

    Besides , the hydrogen induced cracking hidden at the blue brittleness area had been also discovered .

  25. 蓝线区的生态环境建设主要从土地集约利用、生态农业和矿山生态修复三部分开展。

    In the blue line zone ecological environment construction should proceed by land intensive utilization , ecological agriculture and mine rehabilitation .

  26. 两种化合物的荧光带位于蓝紫区,中心波长为369和442nm,都具有较小的斯托克斯位移。

    Nm . The fluorescence bands were located in the blue-violet region with the peak wavelengths of 369 and 442 nm , and small Stokes shifts were observed .

  27. 测定结果显示此类化合物具有良好的荧光性,其最大荧光发射波长在黄绿区和蓝紫区,且荧光强度较强。

    Measurement results showed that such compound has good fluorescence , the maximum fluorescence emission wavelength was in the yellow-green area and blue-violet area , and the fluorescence intensity was stronger .

  28. 电刺激大鼠蓝斑核区对实验性急性心肌缺血性损伤的影响

    Effect of stimulation of locus ceruleus nucleus region on acute experimental myocardial ischemic injury in rats

  29. 本文结果提示:灰翼区肾上腺素能神经参与由刺激蓝斑核区引起的胃电和胃运动的抑制机制。

    The result suggest that the central noradrenergic inhibitory mechanism is involved in the regulation of gastric electrical activity and gastric motility .

  30. 蓝斑核区注射神经降压素后刺激迷走神经向中端对大鼠脑内催产素含量的影响

    The effects of stimulating central end of vagus on contents of oxytocin in several brain areas of rats after injecting neurotensin into locus coeruleus area