
bì má zǐ
  • castor bean
蓖麻子[bì má zǐ]
  1. 蓖麻子中毒的症状包括恶心、腹部痉挛、呕吐、内部出血和肾循环衰竭。

    Symptoms of castor bean poisoning include nausea , abdominal cramps , vomiting , internal bleeding , and kidney and circulation failure .

  2. 蓖麻子,或蓖麻,一种广泛栽培的植物,以获取其蓖麻油,或作为观赏型植物。

    The castor bean plant , or Ricinus communis , is widely cultivated for its castor oil and is also used as an ornamental plant .

  3. VernSchramm博士说,蓖麻毒素是从蓖麻子中提取出的蛋白质,可以被制成粉剂、喷雾、药丸或溶液。

    Vern Schramm , Ph.D.Ricin , a protein extracted from castor beans , can be in the form of a powder , mist , pellet or solution .

  4. 对于人类和动物来说,蓖麻子的毒性非常大。

    They 're also extremely toxic to both people and animals .

  5. 即便烹饪蓖麻子,也不能将蓖麻毒蛋白分解掉。

    Even cooking castor beans isn 't enough to destroy ricin .

  6. 世界上最致命的植物是蓖麻子豆。

    The deadliest plant in the world is the castor bean plant .

  7. 从蓖麻子中提取的有毒蛋白质,用作化学试剂。

    A toxic protein extracted from castor beans ; used as a chemical reagent .

  8. 博马纳正在研究如何利用蓖麻子产生更环保的塑料。

    Permana is working to create a more environmentally-friendly plastic from the castor oil bean .

  9. 为了安全起见,我也给他吃了同样多的蓖麻子油。

    To be safe , I prescribed an equal dose of castor oil for him .

  10. 蓖麻子中毒虽很罕见,但是一旦发生便是致命的,通常发生在孩子和宠物中。

    Seed poisonings are rare and usually involve children and pets , but they can be deadly .

  11. 例如蓖麻子中致命的蓖麻毒素或杏仁中的氰化氢都是植物自身用来抑制害虫的成分。

    Toxins like deadly ricin in castor beans or hydrogen cyanide in almonds are designed to deter pests .

  12. 又有谁知道蓖麻子和精炼的蓖麻油就是其中的一部分呢?

    Who would think that the growers of castor beans and the refiners of castor oil are a part of it ?

  13. 大自然的图案:植物。蓖麻子植物的种子是蓖麻油的来源以及致命的毒素蓖麻毒蛋白。

    The seeds of the castor bean plant ( Ricinus communis ) are the source of castor oil as well as the deadly poison ricin .

  14. 跟红芸豆一样,蓖麻子也富含一种高浓度的有害植物凝集素,这种在蓖麻子中的凝集素被称为蓖麻毒蛋白。

    Like red kidney beans , castor beans contain high concentrations of a particularly harmful lectin . The lectin in castor beans is called ricin .

  15. 在古代,蓖麻子用于膏药。据称克娄巴特拉人用蓖麻油涂在眼白部分,让眼睛看起来更亮。

    In ancient times , the castor bean was used in ointments , and allegedly , Cleopatra applied the oil to the whites of her eyes to brighten them .

  16. 人们摄取蓖麻油是为了润肠通便、引产,还可用于其他自然疗法,但你决不能吃完全未经处理的蓖麻子。

    People ingest castor oil to relieve constipation , to induce labor , and for other naturopathic purposes , but you should never eat whole raw castor beans .