hāo qín qīnɡ dǎn tānɡ
- 名Haoqin Qingdan Tang;Sweet Wormwood and Scutellaria Decoction for Clearing Damp-heat from Gallbladder

Therapeutic Effect and Experimental Study of Haoqin Qingdan Decoction for Lingnan upper Respiratory Tract Virus Infection with Damp-heat Syndrome
Wormwood and Scutellaria Gallbladder Clearing Decoction has positive effect on damp-heat syndrome of viral upper respiratory tract infection 3 .
Effects of Wormwood and Scutellaria Gallbladder Clearing Decoction on Efficacy and Immunological Function in Patients with Viral upper Respiratory Tract Infection with Type of Damp-heat