
  • 网络the Montreal Convention;Montreal Protocol
  1. 根据1999年蒙特利尔公约规定,空难受害者的每名直系亲属可以要求最高113100SDR特别提款权的赔偿。

    The 1999 Montreal Convention allows each next-of-kin of an air crash victim to claim up to 113100 special drawing rights ( SDR ) , a mix of currency values established by the International Monetary Fund .

  2. 浅析《蒙特利尔公约》对民航国内立法的影响

    Impact of Montreal Convention on Domestic Civil Aviation Legislation

  3. 有关国际航班空难遇难者的赔偿问题适用2003年实施生效的《蒙特利尔公约》(MontrealConvention)。

    The method of compensating victims of international airline crashes is governed by a treaty known as the Montreal Convention , which came into force in 2003 .

  4. 桑格说,美国法院对于《蒙特利尔公约》的前身《华沙公约》(WarsawConvention)中“最终目的地”一词的含意存在分歧。

    Mr. Sanger said U.S. courts have split on the meaning of ' final destination ' in the Warsaw Convention , the predecessor of the Montreal Convention .

  5. 国际环境计划(UNEP)1990年修改了蒙特利尔公约,要求在2000年以前停止氟氯碳化合物(CFC)的生产。因此,电子工业正在急切寻找不需用CFC溶剂的替代清洗材料和助焊剂。臭氧(英文)

    United Nation Environmental Protection ( UNEP ) agency has revised the montreal protocol and demand that CFC products'production be terminated by year 2000 . Therefore , the electronic industries are desperately searching for non ozone depleting cleaning solvents or soldering fluxes that do not require the use of CFC .

  6. 《蒙特利尔公约》适用条件的分析

    Analysis of Conditions for the Adoption of Montreal Convention

  7. 在短期内,有关方面将再次依据蒙特利尔公约向遇难者家属进行赔偿。

    In the short term , the Montreal convention protocols for awarding victims ' families payment will again be applied .

  8. 第一、第一节探讨了国际航空货运单的法律性质,比较了华沙体制条约、蒙特利尔公约对航空货运单的不同规定,并分析了电子货运单的适用情况。

    The first section researches into the legal nature of international air waybill and analyzes the application of electronic air waybills .

  9. 四氯化碳是蒙特利尔公约限制应用的消耗臭氧层物质之一。

    Carbon tetrachloride ( CTC ) as the ozone depleting substance ( ODS ) is one of the controlled substances restricted by Montreal Protocol .

  10. ⑿有一个令人振奋的先例就是保护臭氧层的《蒙特利尔公约》,它证明世界各国在终于认清了灾难的时候,能够快速动员起来。

    The encouraging precedent is the Montreal Protocol for ozone protection , which showed how quickly nations can act when they finally recognize a disaster .

  11. 传统的卤代烷灭火剂对大气臭氧层有严重的破坏作用,自蒙特利尔公约签订以来,寻找合适的卤代烷替代物已经成为国际火灾科学研究的当务之急。

    To prevent the ozonosphere from being destroyed by Halon fire extinguishment agents , it has been an urgent task to find out Halon substitutes from signature of Montreal Protocol .

  12. 根据《蒙特利尔公约》的规定,如果遇难者是美国永久居民、在美国境内购票或飞往美国将其作为最终目的地,则可向美国法院起诉韩亚航空。

    The treaty allows victims of the crash to sue Asiana in U.S. courts if they are permanent U.S. residents , purchased tickets in the U.S. or were flying into the U.S. as a final destination .

  13. 2003年正式生效的1999年蒙特利尔公约对华沙体系进行了修改,形成了新的国际承运人责任赔偿制度,我国应当与蒙特利尔公约接轨,进一步完善有关的国内立法。

    The Montreal convention in 1999 made some amendments to this system and formed a new compensation system of international air carriers , hence it 's necessary to perfect our legislation with reference to this convention .

  14. 从1987年蒙特利尔公约签署以来,关于哈龙替代物灭火剂(洁净气体灭火剂)和相应的灭火系统的研究已经历了10余年的时间。

    Since the subscription of Montreal Protocol in 1987 , the study on the halon alternatives ( clean gas fire extinguishing agent ) and the corresponding fire extinguishing systems has been lasted for more than 10 years .

  15. 根据蒙特利尔公约,四氯化碳作为化工原料是可以继续使用的,因此,开发它的原料用途和技术对于平衡过剩的四氯化碳产品,保护臭氧层具有重要的现实意义。

    However , its feedstock application in manufacturing non-ODS substances remains open , hence development of CTC conversion technology is of great significance both in balancing the excessive CTC product and in protecting the ozone layer of the earth .

  16. 施泰纳先生说,要是没有蒙特利尔议定书和维也纳公约,大气中臭氧消耗物质的浓度可能会增加10倍。

    ' Without the Montreal Protocol and its associated Vienna Convention atmospheric levels of ozone-depleting substances could have increased tenfold by2050 , 'Mr Steiner said .