
  • 网络Mengniu;Mengniu Dairy
  1. 论文进一步分析了蒙牛集团的企业文化。

    In Mengniu Group , corporate culture is emphasized all the time .

  2. 湖南卫视与蒙牛集团的合作被视为目前国内最成功的市场整合营销案例。

    The copartnership of the two companys was seen as the most successful market conformity case for the moment in our country .

  3. 蒙牛乳业集团,作为国内领先的奶制品公司之一,在其奶制品中添加一种未经批准的蛋白质添加剂,目前正接受中国质检机构的调查。

    The Mengniu Dairy Group Co , one of the leading dairy companies in the country , is being investigated by China 's quality watchdog for an unapproved protein additive in one of its milk products .

  4. 蒙牛希望借助中粮集团的全国经销网络,利用这笔投资与达能(Danone)等外资公司在酸奶等利润率较高的产品上较量一番。

    China Mengniu hopes to utilise Cofco 's nationwide distribution network and to use the investment to take on foreign groups such as Danone in higher margin produce such as yoghurt .