
  • 网络Jahiliyyah;al-Jahiliyyah
  1. 民间美术始于原始巫术,生成于人类蒙昧时期,是一切造型艺术的原始母体。

    Folk art originated from primitive sorcery and came into being in the age of barbarism .

  2. 在原始蒙昧时期,许多我们称之为教学的东西是通过演示来实现的。

    In the primitive society , many of the things we call teaching is through " demo " to achieve .

  3. 看看人类在漫长的蒙昧时期非常野蛮,我们步入真正的文明时代与蒙昧时代比短的多。

    It has been a long , rather barbaric period before we finally step into the relatively short civilized age .

  4. 每逢新年,处于蒙昧时期的古人,利用燃烧竹节发出的响声,惊吓和驱逐他们想象中的所谓恶鬼。

    On New Year 's days , ancient ignorant people burned bamboo , which made loud noise , to scare and drive away their imaginary so-called devils .

  5. 作为人类社会的艺术,它的发展历史是悠久的、辉煌的,在众多艺术门类中,音乐、舞蹈、绘画、雕塑、文学等传统艺术在蒙昧时期和文明时期就已经出现。

    As the art of human society , its development is a long and glorious history in the many disciplines of the arts , music , dance , painting , sculpture , literature , theater and other traditional arts in ignorance periods and civilizations .