
  1. 本文主要研究和讨论了蒙古部落的相关问题。

    This article mainly studied and discussed the Mongolian Tribe related questions .

  2. 试论蒙古部落的聚合过程

    An Initial Discussion of the Course of the Mongolian Tribes Getting Together

  3. 居住在这里的中原农民和土耳其以及蒙古部落靠的很近。

    Chinese farmers who had established themselves in the region lived side by side with Turkish and Mongol tribes .

  4. 成吉思汗通过十进制来组织军队和他的蒙古部落的所有成年男子。

    Genghis Khan organized his army and all the adults of his Mongol tribe according to a decimal system .

  5. 比较匈奴和蒙古部落,其实都是在为汉王朝效力,不只是部落这一个。

    Competition between the Huns and the Mongol tribes useful work of Han Dynasty , the tribe was not a one .

  6. 这里有史诗般壮丽西迁的锡伯人和在死亡和梦幻中东归的土尔户特蒙古部落。

    Here are magnificent epic of the Movement to death and Xibe and in the Middle East under the fantasy Turku households Temeng ancient tribes .

  7. 这片区域毗邻哈萨克斯坦,曾经可以看见成吉思汗和他的蒙古部落飞驰而过,现在因为它的自然美景、起伏的山谷和雪山而令人惊叹。

    The area which borders Kazakhstan and would have once seen Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes charge through is now famed for its stunning natural beauty rolling dales and snow-capped mountains .

  8. 从12世纪晚期到13世纪早期,铁木真联合了所有蒙古部落并把它们收至自己领导的中央集权制的汗国麾下,这使得蒙古发展到了一个新阶段。

    During the period from the late 12th to the early 13th century , Temujin consolidated all the Mongol tribes and placed under his leadership a centralized Khanate which brought the Mongols to a new stage of development .

  9. 成吉思跟伊朗国王达成了一项有价值的贸易条约,即通过丝绸之路进行货物交换,然而他的第一批使者被刺杀了,愤怒的可汗便派出蒙古部落全力进击花刺子模在波斯的领地。

    Genghis had offered the Shah a valuable trade agreement to exchange goods along the Silk Road , but when his first emissaries were murdered , the enraged Khan responded by unleashing the full force of his Mongol hordes on the Khwarezmid territories in Persia .

  10. 这是一支蒙古游牧部落。

    This is a Mongol nomadic tribe .

  11. 到1206年,蒙古各部落都愿意认定他为最高统领。

    By1206 , all the Mongol tribes were ready to recognize him as supreme leader .

  12. 博文化在蒙古各部落社会生活中也发挥着重要的文化阐释和社会规范功能。

    The Bo culture plays a vital role of culture-explaining society-shaping in the social life of the Mongolian tribes .

  13. 蒙古游牧部落的新的西移可能有两个主要原因。

    It is probable that there were two chief causes for the new westward drift of the nomadic Mongolians .

  14. 西南方强大的金朝不知道,一个蒙古游牧部落的小子将会荡平他们的帝国。

    The mighty Jin Dynasty is to the southeast , not knowing that a boy of a nomadic Mongol tribe would soon wipe their empire from the face of the Earth .

  15. 12世纪时,随着社会生产力的发展和外部影响的加强,蒙古的部落氏族制度开始瓦解,贫富分化激烈,出现了部落贵族、牧民和奴隶。

    When it came to the 12th century , with the promotion of the productivity and the increase of the fluence , the Mongolian tribes and clans began to separate and the intense polarization of rich and poor emerged , and then the tribe nobles , shepherds and the slaves came into being .

  16. 1206年,成吉思汗统一了生活在蒙古草原的部落。

    Genghis Khan united the tribes living in Mongolian grasslands in 1206 .

  17. 丝绸之路于是成为蒙古帝国各部落间重要的交通线路。

    Accordingly , the Silk Road became an important communication route between different parts of the Mongol Empire .

  18. 历经八百多年,蒙古族各部落已发生了巨大的变化,其中服饰最能体现这一变迁。

    During the eight hundreds years , each tribe has gone through great changes , of which clothes are the most typical .

  19. 1206年,成吉思汗统一了蒙古各交战部落,成为蒙古领袖,并建立了一个横跨中国到匈牙利的帝国。

    In 1206 , Genghis Khan united the warring tribes of his region , becoming the leader of the Mongols and creating an empire that reached from China to Hungary .

  20. 笔者据《长春真人西游记》的一段记载,推断该将军是元初战殁于黄草湖的蒙古乃满部落的太阳汗。

    The author has deduced that the general refers to Taiyang Han of Mongoliam Naiman tribe who died early in Huangcao lake in Yuan dynasty according to Chang-chun Zhenren travels westward .

  21. 成吉思汗是一个天才的勇十和统治者。起初成吉思汗身份卑微,无足轻重,但是后来他建立了纪律严明的军事国家,将蒙古所有的游牧部落都置于他和他的家族的统治之下。

    Genghis Khan was a warrior and ruler of genius who , starting from obscure and insignificant beginnings , brought all the nomadic tribes of Mongolia under the rule of himself and his family in a rigidly disciplined military state .

  22. 他是蒙古族的大汗并统一了蒙古各部落,是历史上最睿智的军事将领之一。

    He was a Great Khan and military leader who united the Mongol tribes and is widely considered as one of the most brilliant military leaders in world history .

  23. 卫拉特是一些居住在中国西部准噶尔和青海和蒙古国西部的拥有游牧蒙古祖先的部落的共同的名字。

    Oirat is the common name of several pastoral nomadic tribes of Mongolian origin whose ancestral home is in the Dzungaria and Amdo regions of western Mongolia and also western China .

  24. 被称为大蒙古皇帝的铁木真,统一了所有的蒙古部落。他被称为成吉思汗。

    Temujin , the given name of the great Mongol Emperor , united all the Mongol Khanligs and he was rewarded with the title as Chinggis Khaan .

  25. 其中主要探究并提出了蒙古地区从旧石器时代以来就有人类居住,而且这些古老居民成为日后蒙古民族形成的主要来源;蒙古地区的众多部落、部族都曾经历过父系氏族制社会阶段。

    It mainly states that there were men habitat in Mongolian plateau from the Old Stone Age , and those pre & historical men are the precedent of the present Mongolians . Many tribes in the Mongolian plateau were in the stage of paternal clan .