
  • 网络Moncton;Monckton;YQM
  1. 戴安娜还是蒙克顿夫人的女儿多梅尼卡的教母。

    Diana was the godmother of Mrs Monckton 's daughter Domenica .

  2. 蒙克顿回答说,戴安娜说话、写东西向来比较夸张,但同时也赞同她写这两封信并不仅仅是为了让多迪开心。

    Monckton replied that Diana tended to speak and write in an extravagant way but agreed the letters were not just written to make someone happy .

  3. 两名入室盗窃贼在闯入蒙克顿(伦敦金融城富有的股票经纪人)位于切尔西的寓所、并盗取了价值4000多英镑的首饰后,再用刀将其刺死。

    A wealthy bond dealer in the city of London , Monckton was stabbed to death in his Chelsea home after two intruders gained entry and stole jewellery worth a little more than 4000 .