
  • 网络hokusai;Katsushika Hokusai;Hokusai Katsushika
  1. 富士山(日本人称之为Fujisan)是日本最著名的自然地标,葛饰北斋(KatsushikaHokusai)和歌川广重(UtagawaHiroshige)等画家对它的描绘,令这座圆锥形火山流芳千古。

    Mount Fuji , or Fujisan as it 's known to the Japanese , is the nation 's most recognizable natural landmark , a conical volcano immortalized by artists like Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige .

  2. 那么他们会同葛饰北斋那样勇于开创新事物麽?

    Will they , like him , dare to embark on something new ?

  3. 跟葛饰北斋无异,他们这些人年老之时越发智慧通晓。

    Such people are , like Hokusai , wise in their old age .

  4. 面对40英尺(12米)高的巨浪,还是有渔民跳上自己的渔船,迎着巨浪而上,与葛饰北斋画笔下的运货人毫无二致。

    Some fishermen , faced with 40-foot ( 12-metre ) waves , took to their boats and headed straight over them : echoes of Hokusai 's deliverymen .

  5. 有意思的是,鹊鸟倡导的“放松渔业管制”,竟然能博得古老渔业社区的共鸣,这些社区的成员同当年创作《巨浪下的神户川》时的葛饰北斋年龄相仿。

    Intriguingly , his calls for deregulation have struck a chord even in ancient fishing communities whose members are as old as Hokusai was when he created his masterwork .

  6. 在日本浮世绘艺术中,有很多作品是以“八景”主题描绘而成,而葛饰北斋描绘的“八景”画题的风景版画则是最为人推崇。

    In the art of Japanese Yamato-e , many works are created according to the " Eight-Scene " theme , and the scenery woodcut by KatsushikaHokusai is most admired .

  7. 葛饰北斋70岁上下之时,艺术细胞仍然丝毫未减,创作了《富士三十六景》系列浮世绘(也叫做木板水印画)。

    AT AROUND the age of70 , Katsushika Hokusai , still bounding with artistic energy , created " Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji ", a series of ukiyo-e , or woodblock prints .