
  • 网络T.L.Saaty;Sadie
  1. 萨迪•科尔斯(SadieColes)则正搬离自己位于新伯林顿广场(NewBurlingtonPlace)的画廊,转而在摄政王街(RegentStreet)另一边的金利街(KinglyStreet)寻找更大的展场。

    And Sadie Coles is leaving her New Burlington Place gallery for a bigger space in Kingly Street , just on the other side of Regent Street .

  2. 萨迪和贝西的父母是最重要的两个人在他们的生活,并在我们说的是专门给他们。

    Sadie and Bessie 's parents are the two most important people in their lives , and Having Our Say is dedicated to them .

  3. 据巴基斯坦的《论坛快报》报道,拉尔·默罕默德·拉沙里的女儿堪萨迪嫁给了她的表哥卡兰德,而第二天人们却在位于ADCColony的卧室中发现了她的尸体。

    Notes a report via Pakistan 's express tribune : Khanzadi , daughter of Lal Mohammad Lashari , married her cousin Qalandar Bux Khokhar the night before her lifeless body was found in her bedroom in ADC Colony .

  4. 我们总是在萨迪家附近停留一会。

    Always we make stops at the house of Sadie McKibben .

  5. 那个专利是萨迪特里斯公司注册的

    And that patent is registered to a company called Sagittarius .

  6. 萨迪受到了他的成功逃脱的鼓舞。

    Sandy had taken heart from his lucky escape .

  7. 荣誉比黄金还珍贵。&萨迪

    Honor is more precious than gold . & Sa'di

  8. 根据萨迪特里斯公司的记录

    According to Sagittarius company records ,

  9. 我坐在门口,在萨迪送我的包装纸上写字。

    I sit here on the doorstep printing this on the wrapping-paper Sadie McKibben gave me .

  10. 伊拉克足球协会助理秘书塔利克?阿美得透露,助理教练萨迪?托马也销声匿迹。

    Assistant coach Sadi Toma has also disappeared , Iraqi Football Association Assistant Secretary Tariq Ahmed revealed .

  11. 直至20世纪中叶,对萨迪和《蔷薇园》的研究,才逐渐出现。

    Until the mid-20th century , the research to Sadi and the ROSERY , only then gradually appears .

  12. 他的第二任妻子叫茱莉·安妮,也是一位音乐学家,与萨迪有一个儿子和一个女儿。

    By his second wife , Julie Anne , also a musicologist , he had a son and daughter .

  13. 他的第一任妻子叫阿黛尔(已于1978年逝世),与萨迪有两个儿子和一个女儿。

    His first wife , Adele , by whom he had two sons and a daughter , died in1978 .

  14. 我什么都读,鲁米,哈菲兹,萨迪(Moslehal?DinSaadiShirazi约1210~约1290,古代波斯诗人),维克多·雨果,儒勒·凡尔纳,马克·吐温,伊恩·弗莱明(IanFleming1908~1964,英国小说家,撰写了007系列小说)。

    I read everything , Rumi , H ã fez , Saadi , Victor Hugo , Jules Verne , Mark Twain , Ian Fleming .

  15. 他说,一些动乱地区,包括费卢杰、巴格达西部地区和巴格达郊区萨迪市,被列在未来军事行动的名单上。

    He said trouble spots , including Fallujah , west of Baghdad , and the Baghdad suburb of Sadr City , are on the list of future military operations .

  16. 在被害人弟弟阿里·拉沙里的帮助下,警方破门而入,但只在床上发现了堪萨迪冰冷的尸体,她的丈夫卡兰德却不见踪影。

    Policemen , with the help of the victim 's brother Ali Lashari , forced entry into the house , only to discover Khanzadi Lashari 's lifeless body on the bed . Her husband was missing .

  17. “分钟后,我通过了休息点,我听到一个大爆炸,我把我的头,看到大的火焰,说:”艾哈迈德-萨迪,今年34岁的木匠从巴格达的萨德尔城区。

    " Minutes after I passed the resting spot , I heard a big explosion . I turned my head and saw big flames ," said Ahmed al-Saadi , a34-year-old carpenter from Baghdad 's Sadr City district .

  18. 新娘的母亲告诉警方,在婚礼第二天早上,家人们发现不管怎么叫堪萨迪都没有反应时,他们才发现她已经死了。

    News of the bride 's death , also known as Khanzadi Bux Khokhar upon her marriage came after Khanzadi Lashari 's mother notified police when her daughter failed to receive any response from their house the morning after the wedding .

  19. 在死者的照片下面,愤怒的新郎发文说道,默罕默德的女儿堪萨迪原本应该作为一名纯洁的新娘许配给他,由于令他自己感觉很丢脸,所以只能选择杀掉新娘。

    Next to images of the woman 's deceased body , the groom claimed that Khanzadi Lashari , the daughter of Lal Mohammad Lashari , was presented to him as an undefiled bride and had no choice but to kill her for dishonoring him .