
  • 网络suffolk;Suffolk County;Suffolk, England
  1. 但在英格兰萨福克郡,有270年历史、向巴宝莉(Burberry)和拉夫劳伦(ralphLauren)等品牌供货的丝绸编织商Vanners董事长戴维涂斯(DavidTooth)预期,零售价格将在近期内上涨10%-20%。

    But David Tooth , chairman of Vanners , a 270-year-old silk weaver in Suffolk , England , which supplies brands such as Burberry and Ralph Lauren , expects retail prices to rise 10-20 per cent in the near term .

  2. 希兰曾就读于英格兰萨福克郡一所普通的学校。

    Sheeran went to an ordinary school in Suffolk , England .

  3. 在萨福克郡大学,他教授“奥林匹克的历史”的课程。

    Amongst his duties at Suffolk is teaching a course on " The History of the Olympics " .

  4. 艾德·希兰和他的未婚妻彻里·西伯恩在萨福克郡低调结婚。

    Ed Sheeran has ' married his fianc é e Cherry Seaborn in a low-key Suffolk ceremony ' .

  5. 我出生在萨福克郡的蛮石镇,也就是苏格兰人说的“那边儿”。

    I was born at Blunderstone , in Suffolk , or " there by ", as they say in Scotland .

  6. 我出生在英国东部萨福克郡的布兰德斯通,并沿用了我不幸的父亲之名——大卫·科波菲尔。

    I was born at Blunderstone , in Suffolk , in the east of England , and was given my poor father 's name , David Copperfield .

  7. 目前,在英国萨福克郡5名妓女谋杀案引起全国关注之际,人们肯定都看到了这些后果有时是多么可怕。

    Now , when the murders of five prostitutes in Suffolk are gripping the attention of the UK , all must see just how ghastly these results can occasionally be .

  8. 我是大卫。科波菲尔,您外甥的儿子,在萨福克郡的布兰德斯通。我出生的那天晚上您来过,并见了我亲爱的母亲。

    I 'm David Copperfield , your nephew 's son , of Blunderstone in Suffolk , where you came on the night I was born , and saw my dear mother .

  9. 英国兽医专家本周证实,本月早些时候在萨福克郡一个农场爆发的禽流感,其病毒基因类型与1月份在匈牙利发现的病毒基本相同。

    The genetic strain of bird flu that infected a Suffolk farm earlier this month was essentially identical to the virus found in Hungary in January , British veterinary experts confirmed this week .

  10. 难怪布朗的助手敦促他扔掉去年夏天在萨福克郡海滨小镇索思沃尔德和诺福克郡休假时穿着的米色夹克。

    No wonder Brown has been urged by aides to ditch the beige jacket he wore during his summer break at the Suffolk coastal town of Southwold , and in Norfolk , last year .

  11. 在他服务于救护队期间,威廉王子一直驻扎在剑桥机场。他们的团队里有专业医师、急救护理人员以及飞行员,并为贝德福德郡、剑桥郡、诺福克郡和萨福克郡提供紧急医疗服务。

    Throughout his service William has been based out of Cambridge Airport , as part of a team including specialist doctors , critical care paramedics and pilots providing emergency medical services across Bedfordshire , Cambridgeshire , Norfolk and Suffolk .

  12. 克莱尔同她37岁的丈夫马克居住在萨福克郡的斯托马基特,她说三个女儿是让她‘坚持活下去的三个小小的理由’。

    The mother , who lives in Stowmarket , Suffolk , with husband Mark , 37 , says her daughters Abbi , seven , Lolli , five , and Micki , three , have been her'three little reasons to live ' .