
  • 网络sacramento;Sacramento, CA
  1. 当时,联合太平洋铁路公司(UnionPacificRailroad)开始从奥马哈向西修建铁路,而中央太平洋铁路公司(CentralPacificRailroad)则从萨克拉门托向东修建铁路。

    The Union Pacific Railroad started building westward from Omaha while the central Pacific railroad built eastward from Sacramento .

  2. 而最近随着主流电商Overstock.com和美职篮(NBA)的萨克拉门托国王队(SacramentoKings)公开宣布将接受数字货币作为支付方式,比特币热潮更是达到了顶点。

    COM and NBA team the Sacramento Kings would accept the digital currency as payment .

  3. NPR新闻,斯科特·戴克托尔萨克拉门托报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Scott Dectroll in Sacramento .

  4. NBA真在考虑把萨克拉门托国王队转移到西雅图,一座在五年前失去了其NBA球队的城市。

    The NBA is considering moving the Sacramento Kings to Seattle , a city that lost its NBA team five years ago .

  5. 例如,李诗韵(SelenaLi)的研究就是这样。17岁的李诗韵是第一代美籍华人,来自加州萨克拉门托。她正在研究治疗肝癌的一种更有效的方法。

    Selena Li , a17-year old first-generation Chinese-American from Sacramento , California , is working on a more effective treatment for liver cancer .

  6. 萨克拉门托附近的大火已经毁坏了60栋建筑,包括整个cul-de-sac社区。

    One near Sacramento destroyed 60 buildings , including an entire cul-de-sac .

  7. 李和她的家人最终不得不搬出出租房,但NormanFong说,这件事引起了公众注意,有利于刺激市政厅和萨克拉门托采取应对措施。

    Lee and her family eventually had to leave theapartment but Norman Fong says the case drew public attention and helped spuraction at City Hall and Sacramento .

  8. 据NPR新闻的茵娜·杰夫报道,这个案子涉及拉斯维加斯精神病医院的一个病人,他得到了一张去往加州萨克拉门托的单程车票。

    NPR 's Ina Jaffe reports the case involves the patient at a Las Vegas psychiatric Hospital who has given a one-way ticket to Sacramento , California .

  9. 上周在萨克拉门托(Sacramento)美国河流学院(AmericanRiverCollege)举行的毕业典礼上,塔尼奇的父母也来到现场——他的母亲塔吉(Taji)是一位兽医,而父亲比茹(Bijou)是一位软件工程师。

    Last week 's graduation ceremony at the American River College in Sacramento was attended by Tanishq 's parents - his mother Taji , a vet , and his father Bijou , a software engineer .

  10. 别人说他因矮而不能打NBA,但他在2011年选秀大会上第二轮被萨克拉门托国王队选中。虽然他是那届选秀大会上最后一个被选中的球员,他在新秀赛季的绝大部分比赛中首发出战。

    Too short to play in the NBA , he was a 2011 second-round pick by the Sacramento Kings , where he started most of his rookie season , despite being the final pick in that draft .

  11. 视频由擅长只为娱乐‘虐待’苹果的TarasMaksimuk制作,这位乌克兰裔的YouTube使用者来自加利福尼亚萨克拉门托。

    The video was produced by Sacramento , California-based Ukrainian YouTuber Taras Maksimuk who specialises in smashing technology for your pleasure according to his profile .

  12. 杰瑞·布朗两度担任加州州长,他于1975年,也就是帕特·布朗在连任竞选中败给罗纳德·里根(RONALDREAGAN)的八年之后,到达萨克拉门托,开始了第一个任期。

    Jerry Brown arrived in Sacramento for the first of two stints he would serve as governor in 1975 & just over eight years after Pat Brown was defeated for re-election by Ronald Reagan .

  13. 杰瑞·布朗两度担任加州州长,他于1975年,也就是帕特·布朗在连任竞选中败给罗纳德·里根(RonaldReagan)的八年之后,到达萨克拉门托,开始了第一个任期。

    Jerry Brown arrived in Sacramento for the first of two stints he would serve as governor in 1975 - just over eight years after Pat Brown was defeated for re-election by Ronald Reagan .

  14. 《伯德小姐》电影以就读于天主教学校高年级的Christine'LadyBird'McPherson女生展开,她渴望离开家乡加利福尼亚的萨克拉门托,到东海岸去。

    Lady Bird details the senior year of high school of Christine ' Lady Bird ' McPherson , a somewhat rebellious Catholic school teenager who desperately wants to leave her hometown of Sacramento , California for the East Coast .

  15. 我跟这所学校的校长谈过,他说,这500封信正在前往萨克拉门托的途中。学生们的下一个项目是在YouTube上向加州立法者发布视频。洛杉矶,CNN,THELMAGUTIERREZ报道。

    I talked to the principal of the school , he says that 500 letters are now on their way to Sacramento , the students ' next project , YouTube videos to the California legislators -- THELMA GUTIERREZ , CNN , LOS ANGELES .

  16. 在萨克拉门托就有许多需要帮助的人。

    There 's so many needy people right up in Sacramento .

  17. 他们让布朗到达萨克拉门托以后拨打911报警电话。

    They told him to call 911 when he 'll reach Sacramento .

  18. 这位大名鼎鼎的发言人曾到萨克拉门托州议会去过。

    The distinguished spokesman had been in Sacramento at the state capitol .

  19. 住在萨克拉门托(美国加州首府)的单身妈妈、来自堪萨斯乡下的

    a single mother in Sacramento , a girl being bullied

  20. 用萨克拉门托模型模拟研究流域降雨径流过程;

    It simulates the rainfall-runoff relationship of studied basin by Sacramento model ;

  21. 移民城市萨克拉门托的历史地区

    The Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento

  22. 听了你热泪盈眶作的挥别萨克拉门托的演讲。

    Heard your farewell speech to Sacramento where you cried .

  23. 萨克拉门托模型在乌鲁木齐河流域上的应用及改进

    The application and modification of the Sacramento Model in Urumqi River Basin

  24. 那么,问题来了,为什么文斯-卡特选择与重建中的萨克拉门托国王队签约呢?

    So why did Vince Carter sign with the rebuilding Sacramento Kings ?

  25. 萨克拉门托河流入圣弗兰西斯科湾。

    The Sacramento River flows into San Francisco bay .

  26. 我们必须今晚在萨克拉门托和他会面。

    We need to meet him in Sacramento tonight .

  27. 而中央太平洋铁路公司则从西边的萨克拉门托开始

    the Central Pacific from Sacramento in the west .

  28. 美巡赛揭幕六月16日在萨克拉门托。

    The tour kicks off on June16th in Sacramento .

  29. 我一直在考虑你去萨克拉门托的决定。

    I 've been mulling over your Sacramento decision .

  30. 扩展的萨克拉门托模型在寒冷地区的应用

    Application of Expended Sacramento Model in the North