
  • 网络Operating margin;Operating Profit Margin;Operating Profit Ratio
  1. 不过,三星电信业务的营业利润率相比第一财季却有所下降,因为三星在电信网络设备业务中出现了亏损,并且在加大新智能手机GalaxySIII销售速度方面慢于预期。

    The telecom unit 's operating profit margin declined from the first quarter , however , as Samsung lost money in its telecom network equipment business and ramped up sales of the new smartphone , called Galaxy S III , more slowly than expected .

  2. 三星的电信业务实现了17.4%的营业利润率,高于上年同期的13.7%,但低于今年第一财季的18.4%。

    Samsung 's telecom unit reported an operating profit margin of 17.4 % , up from 13.7 % a year ago but down from 18.4 % in the first quarter .

  3. 你的平均营业利润率是多少?

    What are your average operating margins ?

  4. 其营业利润率仍仅勉强达到通用电气(ge)的四分之一,但至少它是盈利的。

    Its operating margins are still barely a quarter of those at General Electric , but at least it is profitable .

  5. 财务绩效选用净资产收益率、营业利润率、每股收益为会计指标和托宾Q值为市场指标进行衡量。

    Accounting indicators , such as ROE , profit margin , earnings per share , and Tobin Q value as market indicator were selected to measure Financial performance .

  6. 在联合技术公司旗下的普惠发动机公司(Pratt&Whitney),营业利润率为12.9%。

    At United 's engine-maker Pratt & Whitney , operating margins stand at 12.9 % .

  7. 营业利润率已从40%暴跌至大约14%&仍是AMD的两倍,但只有高通的一半。

    Operating margins have tumbled from two-fifths to about 14 per cent – still double that of AMD , but only half of Qualcomm .

  8. 相比之下,捷豹路虎的营业利润率接近10%,这建立在未被收购前构想的多款车型——如路虎揽胜极光(RangeRoverEvoque)——大获成功的基础上。

    JLR , by contrast , makes operating margins close to 10 per cent , having built on the success of products conceived during the Ford era , such as the Range Rover Evoque .

  9. 奥迪(Audi)上半年营业利润率为12%,而梅塞德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)的销售利润率为11%。

    Audi posted a first-half operating margin of 12 per cent while Mercedes-Benz cars achieved an 11 per cent return on sales .

  10. 将于周二公布上半年业绩报告的宝马(BMW),一季度营业利润率为12%。

    BMW , which is due to report first-half results on Tuesday , reported a 12 per cent operating margin for the first three months of the year .

  11. 3M公布,由于原材料价格上涨导致营业利润率下降,去年第四季度净利润同比下降1%。

    3M reported a 1 per cent drop in net profits for the fourth-quarter compared with the same period a year earlier , as operating margins fell on higher raw material prices .

  12. 此外,受到美国国防开支削减的影响,该公司直升机部门西科斯基(Sikorsky)的营业利润率仅有9.5%。

    Sikorsky , the company 's helicopter unit , which has suffered from cutbacks in defense spending , earns just 9.5 % .

  13. 相反,特易购(tesco)则决定在相对较少的国家建立规模优势,这家英国零售商在亚洲的年营业利润率约为5%,远高于家乐福的3.5%左右。

    Tesco , in contrast , decided to pursue local scale in relatively few countries . The UK-based retailer has made annual operating margins of about 5 per cent in Asia , well above the 3.5 per cent or so at Carrefour .

  14. 营业利润率扩大6个百分点,至18%以上。

    Operating margins widened by 6 percentage points , surpassing 18 per cent .

  15. 营业利润率确实看起来已达峰值。

    Operating margins did look a bit peaky .

  16. 而该公司电视业务的平均营业利润率为31%,增长速度也快得多。

    Its TV business generates 31 per cent , and grows much faster , too .

  17. 在营业利润率已经很低的情况下,这让工厂主们面临巨大的成本压力。

    As operating margins were already very thin , this has put them under intense cost pressure .

  18. 2010年,该品牌的商业计划要求到2015年实现11%的营业利润率。

    Back in 2010 , its business plan called for operating margins of 11 per cent by 2015 .

  19. 沃尔沃的营业利润率也很低——今年上半年为2.2%。

    Operating margins at Volvo are also thin - 2.2 per cent in the first half of this year .

  20. 去年腾讯的营销成本翻了一番,受此拖累,营业利润率降低了7个百分点,至43%。

    The doubling in marketing costs last year dragged operating margins down by 7 percentage points to 43 per cent .

  21. 这意味着该公司的营业利润率高达20%以上,位列业内最佳水平。

    The results imply an operating profit margin of more than 20 per cent among the best in the industry .

  22. 而净资产营业利润率则是一种现实,反映的是企业短期投资价值。

    However , the ratio of operating profit to net assets is a reality which reflects the short-term investment value .

  23. 在微软的营业利润率处于57%-59%的水平时,其股票估值也处于高点。

    ' Microsoft 's operating margins were in the high 50 % range , which marked the high point in the shares .

  24. 在集团层面,人头马君度的营业利润率为21.6%,低于去年同期的23.8%。

    At a group level , Remy 's operating margin was 21.6 per cent compared with 23.8 per cent a year earlier .

  25. 去年收入在20亿美元的基础上增长了88%,营业利润率近50%,表现不俗。

    Revenues grew 88 per cent last year , from a $ 2bn base . Operating profit margins were nearly 50 per cent .

  26. 该公司计划今年全年的营业利润率能保持在可观的两位数,而长期销售利润率的目标为15%。

    The carmaker plans to achieve a significant double-digit operating margin this year and is targeting a long-term return on sales of 15 per cent .

  27. 答案可能是因为,在金融危机前,对股本回报率贡献最大的当属杠杆,而非营业利润率或营收增长。

    The answer may be because before the crisis the biggest contributor to ROE by far was leverage , rather than operating margin or revenue growth .

  28. 然而,他表示:能够提高营业利润率的程度是有限的,因为欧洲大陆的薪水要高得多。

    However , he says , there is a limit to how far you can lift operating margins , because salaries on the continent are much higher .

  29. 利润水平也很高:沃尔玛在墨西哥的营业利润率与美国业务相当,而资产回报率比公司平均水平略高一些。

    Profits are strong too : operating margins in Mexico are comparable to US levels and return on assets are a shade higher than the corporate average .

  30. 假设每家门店的销售额为200万欧元、营业利润率为15%,那么边际投资回报率将达到20%至25%。

    Assume sales per store of € 2m and a 15 per cent operating margin , and the marginal return on investment would be 20-25 per cent .