- 名vegetable garden

He works all day cultivating his vegetable garden .
He works all day cultivating his vegetable garden . Who plants a vineyard and does not partake of its fruit ?
Zi Gong saw a farmer toiling in a vegetable garden nearby road .
He slipped underneath the gate , and was safe at last in the wood outside the garden .
As long as you like , let us build you a complete part of your own vegetable garden now !
Astronauts on the first manned missions to Mars could tend " kitchen gardens " onboard spaceships , scientists claim .
Hoop houses for winter growing can even be found at the white house , where Michelle Obama has a vegetable garden .
He lets Michael do all the work , he just plays the fool with his garden , his peppers , his tomatoes .
While we were away on holiday and no one looked after the garden ; all the vegetables went to seed and were unfit to eat .
Passing through a vegetable garden , they bought a pile of tomatoes , and then found a big tree and sat down in its shade .
Being still hale and hearty in spite of his seventy years , my father was able to add to his pension by selling vegetables from his garden .
Baba and Ali had planted a small vegetable garden along the eastern wall : tomatoes , mint , peppers , and a row of corn that never really took .
She enjoyed working outside , among her neighbours.One evening when it was almost dark , she was digging happily in the vegetable garden , some distance from the cottage .
Raman micro spectroanalysis was used to test and analysis micron dimension crystal grain of surface and cross section of New stone age in two ancient stone axe from Yunnan Chuxiong .
After breaking the temple rules by drinking , he was sent by the abbot to the Monastery of Great Assistance to State , where he was put in charge of a vegetable garden .
And while it may be easy to get carried away with edible gardening , don 't forget to plant a few flowers to spruce up the look of your garden and also attract bees to help pollinate your food crops .