
cài yuán zi
  • vegetable garden
  1. 他整天种他的菜园子。

    He works all day cultivating his vegetable garden .

  2. 他整天种他的菜园子。有谁栽种葡萄园,不吃园中的果子?

    He works all day cultivating his vegetable garden . Who plants a vineyard and does not partake of its fruit ?

  3. 子贡注意到,一位农人在道旁菜园子里辛苦地工作。

    Zi Gong saw a farmer toiling in a vegetable garden nearby road .

  4. 比得迅速从篱笆门的下面窜了出去,一口气跑到菜园子外面的树林里,他终于脱险了。

    He slipped underneath the gate , and was safe at last in the wood outside the garden .

  5. 只要您愿意,让我们给您营建一个完全属于你自家的菜园子吧!

    As long as you like , let us build you a complete part of your own vegetable garden now !

  6. 航天飞机上也能种菜?据英国《每日电讯报》8月29日报道,科学家称,执行搭乘第一艘载人飞船登陆火星任务的宇航员们可能就要在航天飞船上打理一个“菜园子”了。

    Astronauts on the first manned missions to Mars could tend " kitchen gardens " onboard spaceships , scientists claim .

  7. 作为冬天种植的温室大棚甚至在白宫也能看到,米歇尔。奥巴马在那里有个菜园子。

    Hoop houses for winter growing can even be found at the white house , where Michelle Obama has a vegetable garden .

  8. 他让迈克尔承担了全部工作;他整天摆弄菜园子,管管辣椒,管管番茄。

    He lets Michael do all the work , he just plays the fool with his garden , his peppers , his tomatoes .

  9. 我们外出度假时没有人照料菜园子;所有的蔬菜都花谢结子,不能吃了。

    While we were away on holiday and no one looked after the garden ; all the vegetables went to seed and were unfit to eat .

  10. 他们又绕到一个菜园子里,买来一堆西红柿。他们找到一颗大树,在荫凉地里坐了下来。

    Passing through a vegetable garden , they bought a pile of tomatoes , and then found a big tree and sat down in its shade .

  11. 我的父亲尽管70高龄,身体仍很硬朗,还能把菜园子里的菜挑出去卖,以挣些零化钱。

    Being still hale and hearty in spite of his seventy years , my father was able to add to his pension by selling vegetables from his garden .

  12. 爸爸和阿里沿东墙开垦了一小块菜园子,里面种了西红柿、薄荷、辣椒和一排从不结果实的玉米。

    Baba and Ali had planted a small vegetable garden along the eastern wall : tomatoes , mint , peppers , and a row of corn that never really took .

  13. 她喜欢跟左邻右舍一起,在户外干活儿。一天傍晚,天将黑时,她在菜园子里欢快地掘着土。园子离家有些距离。

    She enjoyed working outside , among her neighbours.One evening when it was almost dark , she was digging happily in the vegetable garden , some distance from the cottage .

  14. 本文采用显微拉曼光谱技术对云南省永仁县菜园子两件新石器时期古石斧的表面和截面进行测试分析,结合矿物拉曼谱,初步确定了其成分。

    Raman micro spectroanalysis was used to test and analysis micron dimension crystal grain of surface and cross section of New stone age in two ancient stone axe from Yunnan Chuxiong .

  15. 他先来到五台山文殊院出家,因不守佛规,喝酒闹事,方丈又把他介绍到大相国寺看菜园子。

    After breaking the temple rules by drinking , he was sent by the abbot to the Monastery of Great Assistance to State , where he was put in charge of a vegetable garden .

  16. 而在一段时间里管理一个菜园子可能并不难,但可别忘了种上一些花草打扮打扮你的菜园,这样同时也能引来蜜蜂帮助你的作物传播花粉。

    And while it may be easy to get carried away with edible gardening , don 't forget to plant a few flowers to spruce up the look of your garden and also attract bees to help pollinate your food crops .