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  • daisy chain
菊花链[jú huā liàn]
  1. 多个ISP器件的菊花链编程结构

    Programming Multiple ISP Devices : Daisy Chain Configuration

  2. 在菊花链模式下,用户可以从菊花链内的ADC中读取转换结果。

    The Daisy Chain mode allows the user to read the conversion result from the ADCs contained in the chain .

  3. 如您所见,菊花链方式可以将几个DOM遍历语句连接起来。

    As you can see , daisy chaining allows you to concatenate several DOM traversal statements together .

  4. 在串行接口模式下,AD7656允许多个ADC以菊花链形式连接至单个串行接口。

    When in Serial interface mode the AD7656 has a Daisy Chain feature allowing multiple ADCs to connect to a single serial interface .

  5. SPI兼容串行接口还能够利用SDI输入,将几个ADC以菊花链形式联结到单三线式总线上,或提供一个可选的忙闲指示。

    The SPI-compatible serial interface also features the ability , using the SDI input , to daisy-chain several ADCs on a single , 3-wire bus or provides an optional busy indicator .

  6. 实际上,上例实际上选择tr元素row-001,因此菊花链刚好回到了起点!

    In fact , the above example actually ends up selecting the tr element row-001 , so the daisy chain ended up right back where it started !

  7. 与集中式控制一样,分散式控制也有3种基本方式:菊花链、询和独立请求。

    As with centralized control , there are three basic designs : daisy chain , polling , and independent requests .

  8. 有些框架可以使用菊花链遍历函数,表示可以将遍历命令互相连接。

    Some frameworks also allow you to " daisy-chain " traversal functions , meaning you can concatenate traversal commands to one another .

  9. 所有设备都连接到一个网线上的网络拓扑或设备以菊花链形式进行连接的网络拓扑。

    Network topology where each device is connected to a single cable , or where devices are connected in a daisy chain .

  10. 在控制接入子帧的时隙内,网络中的节点以菊花链规则,环向的传递数据,完成网络资源的申请与分配过程。

    The resources distribution among the nodes in a chain architecture network is done in the control access subframe under a daisy-chain rule .

  11. 由于采用菊花链工作模式,因此数个AD7912/AD7922器件可以通过菊花链配置形式连接起来。

    As a result of the Daisy Chain mode of operation , several AD7912 / AD7922 can be connected together in Daisy Chain configuration .

  12. 与传统接口总线相比,它优点很多,主要有这样两个,第一:运用菊花链方式可接入最多达127个设备。

    USB have two main merits comparing with traditional bus . One is that USB supports up to 127 physical devices . The USB physical interconnect is a tiered star topology .