
jú shí
  • ammonoid;ammonite
菊石[jú shí]
  1. 内蒙古额济纳旗发现的一种泥盆纪菊石

    Discovery of a Devonian AMMONOID species from Ejin Banner of Western Inner Mongolia

  2. 《菊石》凯特·温斯莱特饰演维多利亚时代的化石猎人玛丽·安宁,她在多赛特郡海岸的发现使她成为古生物学家心目中的女英雄,但是她始终不能被同时代的男性科学家完全接纳。

    Ammonite Kate Winslet plays Mary Anning , the Victorian fossil hunter whose discoveries on the Dorset coast made her a heroine to palaeontologists , but who was never quite accepted by male scientists in her lifetime .

  3. 根据pk-2井中的菊石属于地中海沿岸地理亚种这一事实,提出我国东部在白垩纪早期可能与特提斯海有某种联系。

    According to the fact that Holcophylloceras caucasicum found in pk-2well belongs to the geographic subspecies of Mediterranean coastal areas , it is suggested that there could be certain connection between East China and Tethys Sea during early Cretaceous period .

  4. 其中,菊石是一种非常有趣,非常重要的的甲壳类动物。

    Of these , the ammonites are very interesting and important .

  5. 新疆巴里坤早石炭世菊石相的珊瑚

    Early Carboniferous corals in the AMMONOID facies from barkol , Xinjiang

  6. 菊石目头足动物的化石或者与这种化石相关的。

    Of or related to fossil cephalopods of the order Ammonoidea .

  7. 广西二叠纪菊石生物地层学研究新进展

    New progress in the study on Permian AMMONOID biostratigraphy in Guangxi

  8. 广东开恩地区下侏罗统菊石群的研究

    Studies on Lower Jurassic ammonites from kaiping-enping area , guangdong

  9. 鄂东南晚二叠世菊石新材料

    New materials of Late Permian ammonoids from southeastern Hubei

  10. 安徽青龙群地层特征与菊石

    The stratigraphy and ammonites of Qinglong group , Anhui

  11. 中国三叠纪菊石的古生态学概论

    An introduction to palaeoecology of Triassic ammonites of China

  12. 贵州西部晚二叠世长兴期菊石

    Uppermost permian ( changhsingian ) ammonoids from western Guizhou

  13. 龙门山晚三叠世早期菊石

    The earlier Late Triassic ammonites from Longmen Mountains

  14. 新疆东部石炭纪菊石

    Carboniferous ammonoids from eastern Xinjiang

  15. 华南长兴期菊石非常发育,计有11个科、33个属和154个种。

    Changxingian ammonoids are well developed in South China , including 154 species , 33 genera and 11 families .

  16. 东喜马拉雅地区晚三叠世&早侏罗世的菊石类

    HIMALAYAN TECTONIC EVOLUTION IN THE PERI-PACIFIC REGION OF EAST ASIA Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Ammonoids from Eastern Himalayas

  17. 菊石化石在8000英尺高的山上,有力的证明该地区曾经在海下。

    Ammonites , on the side 8000 feet high , are evidence that the area was once under the sea .

  18. 两个女孩对抗成人毁灭行为的斗争既有趣又振奋人心,每一帧画面都是艺术。《菊石》

    The girls ' battles against destructive adults are exhilarating fun , and every frame is a work of art .

  19. 中生代生物的特征是出现较现代的珊瑚,各种各样的瓣鳃,海胆和菊石。

    Remains of more modern corals , diverse pelecypods , sea urchins and ammonoids characterize the marine strata of the Mesozoic Era .

  20. 以菊石为例,应用分形几何学的观点对菊石缝合线的形态进行了定量描述。

    With the suture line of ammonites as an example , the morphological feature in this paper is quantitatively described in view of fractal geometry .

  21. 描述的菊石标本采自江西安福乐平系,计有2新属、2新种和1个未定种。

    The discussed Episageceratidae Ruzhencev were collected from Leping Coal Measures , Jiangxi , in relation to2 new genus , 2 new species and1 undefined species .

  22. 吉林省中部早二叠世菊石动物群的发现及石炭&二叠系界线讨论

    The discover of the lower Permian ammonites fauna in the central part of Jilin Province and on discussion on the determination of the boundary of the carboniferous ─ Permian

  23. 黔南平塘晚二叠世大隆组的层状硅质岩分布稳定,厚度一般为几十米,富含数量不等的菊石和腕足化石。

    Silicalite of the Upper Permian Dalong Formation in Pingtang , south Guizhou has a stable horizon with a thickness of tens meters , yielding abundant ammonites and Brachiopoda .

  24. 二叠纪时,在广西境内有利的古地理环境条件下,使开阔海、局限海两套生态类型菊石得以繁衍发育。

    In Permian period , the favourable conditions of paleogeographical environment within the boundaries of Guangxi made two sets of ecotypic ammonoids living in the " open sea " and " restricted sea " multiply and develop .

  25. 本文根据最近采获的菊石、腕足类及植物化石资料,论证该区煤系地层应属晚二叠世乐平煤系,同时在区内首次发现早三叠世地层。

    Based on the ammonite , brachia and fossil plants obtained recently , the authors attribute it to the Late Permian Leping coal measures , and at the same time announce the first-ever discovered Early Triassic strata in this area .

  26. 鹤岗煤田约形成于一亿四千多万年前的晚侏罗世初期,是远海内陆断陷盆地型煤田。东喜马拉雅地区晚三叠世&早侏罗世的菊石类

    Hegang coal field , of the type of a ( inland ) faulted basin far from the sea , was formed in the early Neo-Jurassic age about 140 million years ago . Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Ammonoids from Eastern Himalayas