
  • 网络profitability;Margin;ability to make a profit
  1. 分析了相关分析&多指标综合评价法在确定企业未来获利能力方面的优点和不足;并在其基础上提出了基于BP神经网络的多指标综合评价法;

    The paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the multitarget synthetic evaluation in determining enterprises future profitability , on the basis of which we give the BP neural networks-based multitarget synthetic evaluation .

  2. 收益表能反映企业的获利能力。

    An income statement can indicate the profitability of the business .

  3. 同时,C公司面临的威胁有:产业链整合、行业获利能力较低、监管更加严格等方面。

    At the same time , threats to C Company : industrial chain integration , low profitability of the industry and stricter regulatory aspects .

  4. 基于缺货风险和获利能力两个维度构建了商品分类矩阵与分类指标体系,结合了AHP法和聚类分析两种方法来确定商品的分类。

    Two evaluation index systems , respectively based on shortage risk and profit capacity . And AHP and cluster analysis methods are used to determine the type of B2C products .

  5. 在B2C情景中,多渠道消费行为能够创造较好的企业绩效,多渠道消费者的获利能力明显超过了单渠道消费者。

    In b2c situation , multichannel consumption behavior can create better corporation performance . Profit ability from multichannel consumers obviously exceeds single channel consumers .

  6. 本文通过定量的理论分析,认为VMI模式不仅有助于解决牛鞭效应的问题,同时有助于整个供应链的获利能力的提高。

    Through quantitative theoretical analysis , it is considered that VMI can not only help to solve the problem of bullwhip , but also help to increase the profit entire supply chain .

  7. 客户分类是分析型CRM的重要组成部分,建立在客户分类基础上的一对一营销更是企业提高客户的满意度,增加获利能力的必要手段。

    The customer classification is the important component of analytic type CRM . The " marketing one to one " that sets up on customer classification is that enterprises improve the customer 's satisfaction and increase the earning capacity essential means .

  8. 通过SWOT分析,得出虽然产品比较简单,但只有我们更快的扩大生产量,开发多品种的蛋挞样式,最终降低成本,企业的获利能力也会得到进一步的提升,从而为企业进一步提升了市场竞争力。

    Through the SWOT analysis , the conclusion is that though the product is relatively simple , we can increase the profitability based on expanding the production capacity more quickly , developing more species of egg tart style , and ultimately reducing the costs .

  9. 如何度量企业技术创新的获利能力呢?

    How to measure the enterprise 's technological innovation earning capacity ?

  10. 协同商务的目标是在满足不断增长的顾客需求的同时提高企业的获利能力。

    The goal is to enhance profitability while satisfying ever-increasing customer demands .

  11. 企业获利能力的风险评估

    The Risk Evaluation of the Enterprise 's Capability to Profit Business Data

  12. 建筑陶瓷行业新产品获利能力研究

    Study of the Profit Capability of New Products in Building Ceramics Industry

  13. 石油石化类公司资本结构与获利能力分析

    Analysis of capital structure and profit ability of petroleum and petrochemistry listed company

  14. 造纸企业获利能力指导信息的报告制定和模拟应用

    Reporting and Simulation of Industrial Economic Profitability Steering Information

  15. 关于企业获利能力分析的重新思考

    Business Data ENTERPRISE Reconsideration on Analysis of Corporate Profitability

  16. 第二部分:企业技术创新获利能力的战略分析。

    Second part : Strategic analysis of enterprise 's technological innovation earning capacity .

  17. 企业未来获利能力的智能评价方法

    Intelligent Synthetic Evaluation for Enterprises Future Profitable Ability

  18. 顾客忠诚关系到企业的获利能力。

    Customer Loyalty determines the profitability of enterprises .

  19. 产业是否有新加入竞争者,对现有厂商的获利能力也会有影响。

    New entrants of the industry will also affect the profitability of existing firms .

  20. 在日益完善的数据,在每一宗申请,是必要的,以公司的获利能力。

    Getting data perfect in every application is essential to a company 's profitability .

  21. 企业经营业绩的好坏最终可通过企业的获利能力来反映。

    The quality of enterprises business performance can reflect through the earning capacity of enterprises finally .

  22. 资产要素是指企业经营管理的具有获利能力的现时资源。

    The assets element is the present resource making profit managed and administered by the enterprise .

  23. 对创新集群绩效评价的内涵进行了深入分析,并将其大致分为获利能力、社会效益、创新效率和发展潜力四个维度。

    Its performance was classified into profitability , social benefits , innovation efficiency and development potential .

  24. 对于铝加工企业而言,如果其产品价格下跌,会进而削弱其产品的获利能力。

    To the aluminum processing enterprises , if its price , which would weaken its profitability .

  25. 第三方物流采购的成功与否,将大大地影响企业的竞争能力和获利能力。

    Success or not in logistics purchasing , will greatly affect the enterprises compatibility and profitability .

  26. 传统的财务性绩效评价忽视了企业的正常运营和长远获利能力。

    The tradition 's financial performance evaluation neglects the enterprise 's normal operation and farsighted accrual ability .

  27. 经营单位获利能力分析

    Profitability analysis of operating unit

  28. 投资获利能力的计算

    Profit estimation in investment planning

  29. 雇员及其代表性组织关心有关其雇主稳定性和获利能力方面的资料。

    Employees and their representative groups are interested in information about the stability and profitability of their employers .

  30. 企业效益影响因素和获利能力的分析评价方法研究

    Research on the Method of Evaluating and Analysing the Influencing Factors on Enterprise Efficiency and the Profiting Ability