
  • 网络Lemon;lemmon;Jack Lemmon;Limon;Lemoine
  1. 这个市场成立于1979年,每周六早上7点到下午1点沿着北莱蒙和州立街道搭建帐篷,风雨无阻。

    The market , which was founded in 1979 , sets up its tents every Saturday from 7:00 am to 1 p.m. , rain or shine , along North Lemon and State streets .

  2. 莱蒙生于1932年的今天,他从未在全国篮球协会(NationalBasketballAssociation,简称NBA)打过球。

    Lemon , who was born on this day in 1932 , never played in the National Basketball Association .

  3. 美国外交协会(CouncilonForeignRelations)会员盖尔•莱蒙表示,文化常常被用作拒绝为女性提供投资的借口。

    Gayle Lemmon , who is a fellow at the Council on foreign relations , says culture is often used as an excuse for not investing in women .

  4. 麦凯布说,该公司先是亏了一些钱,后来才找到一家合适的当地合作伙伴——莱蒙(TopSpring)。莱蒙是一家开发商,在中国各地开发了21个项目,包括深圳的水榭山(HiddenValley)别墅项目。

    It lost a " bob or three " he says , before finding a suitable local partner in Top Spring , a developer that has worked on 21 projects across China including Hidden Valley , a complex of villas in Shenzhen .

  5. 花旗集团现任及前任员工都形容彼得森办事极端有条不紊、而且注重过程,这些个性凸显了他曾在克莱蒙麦肯纳学院(ClaremontMcKennaCollege)攻读数学专业的教育背景。

    Peterson is described by current and former Citi employees as extremely methodical and process-oriented , traits that speak to his roots as a math major at Claremont McKenna college .

  6. 这个时期见证了北部的荷兰语区的弗莱蒙人(Flemings)和南部的法语区瓦龙人(Walloons)间在社区间的紧张局势。

    This period saw a rise in inter-communal tensions between the Dutch-speaking Flemings of the north and the French-speaking Walloons of the South .

  7. 这是因为当莱蒙(上图前排左三)1953年加入哈林篮球队(HarlemGlobetrotters)时,他们对喜剧和篮球花招的融合是比赛中最具吸引力的地方。

    That 's because when Lemon , above front row third from left , joined the Harlem Globetrotters in 1954 , their mix of comedy and basketball legerdemain was the biggest draw in the game .

  8. 莱蒙和马太更喜欢拌嘴,而不是拥抱。

    Lemmon and Matthau were more interested in bickering than hugging .

  9. 我听说你周末带孩子们去克莱蒙得度假。

    I am told that you make weekly expeditions to cramond .

  10. 很明显我带他们去克莱蒙得的经历。

    It should be patently clear that my expeditions to cramond .

  11. 法国人可以看出他很象克莱蒙梭。

    Frenchmen saw in him a resemblance to Clemenceau .

  12. 她试图让莱蒙和柯蒂斯相信她是乐手。

    She wants to make Lemmon and Curtis believe she is a musician .

  13. 在莱蒙太太的学校里,她是公认的高材生。

    She was admitted to be the flower of Mrs. Lemon 's school .

  14. 莱蒙小姐提醒她的老板有两个约会。

    Miss lemon remind her boss of two appointments .

  15. 你跟杰克莱蒙不管到哪里,都是有魔力的。”

    Wherever you went with Jack Lemmon , it was always magical . "

  16. 莱蒙带领着该球队在1970年代声望达到了顶点。

    Lemon led the team to the height of its fame in the 1970s .

  17. 在一家法国法庭做出了类似的判决后,“克莱蒙梭”号掉头返回法国。

    After a French Court reached a similar decision , the Clemenceau returned to France .

  18. 其中之一是克莱蒙神学院,也是这所大学的所在地。

    One of them is the Claremont School of Theology , where the university is located .

  19. 莱蒙多年来完成了多项高品质的规划设计任务,设计成果遍布国内外。

    Lemon completed a number of years of planning and design tasks of high-quality design results home and abroad .

  20. 华凌目前正与思嘉伯集团联合在英格兰北部投资开发住宅项目,与莱蒙一样。

    Hualing is now investing in housing in the north of England with Scarborough , as is Top Spring .

  21. 莱蒙国际具备国际先进的规划设计理念,并且研究城市外部活动空间的规划与设计。

    Lemon international with the international advanced design concepts of planning and study of the external space planning and design .

  22. 莱蒙国际内地的机构致力为亚太地区提供高水准的规划设计服务。

    Lemon international organization committed to the Mainland , Asia-Pacific region to provide a high standard of planning and design services .

  23. 克里斯莱蒙希望读者能意识到在引导儿子走向成人期的过程中父子关系的重要性和普遍性。

    Chris Lemmon hopes readers will realize how important and universal the father-son relationship is in guiding the sons ' passage to adulthood .

  24. 信写得有点儿随便,不过,我还是尽力让莱蒙满意,因为我没有理由不让他满意。

    I did it rather haphazzardly , but I did my best to please Raymond because I had no reason not to please him .

  25. 一项新研究表明,距今三千万年前人类祖先一个保持非常完整的头骨,其容量有莱蒙大小。

    An extraordinarily complete skull of a30-million-year-old human ancestor once held a brain about the size of a lime , according to a new study .

  26. 凯西:总之,把话说回来,在你的所有电影中你和莱蒙都有亲昵行为

    Kathy : But anyway , to get back to the point , you and Miss Lamont do achieve a certain intimacy in all your pictures * ·

  27. 我们致力于每一个专案、每一个客户的长期利益,作为专业服务的提供者,莱蒙国际会帮助每个客户成功。

    We are committed to each project , the long-term interests of each client , as a professional service provider , Lemon International will help each customer succeed .

  28. 跟杰克莱蒙去钓鱼,可以看到他一再摔进水里,要不就是坐在岸边,试图解开鱼线上所有的疙瘩。

    Going fishing with Jack Lemmon entailed watching him fall in the stream repeatedly or sit on the bank trying to undo all the knots in his fly line .

  29. 杰克莱蒙的儿子克里斯也做过演员,但是后来改行,从事了一个能够有更多时间陪伴家人的职业。

    Jack Lemmon 's son Chris was also an actor , but left the profession for a career that allows him to spend more time at home with his family .

  30. 一朵积雨云所含的水有多重呢?科罗拉多州玻尔得国家大气研究中心的资深科学家佩吉·莱蒙算出了一组数据。

    How much does the water in a cumulus cloud weigh ? Peggy LeMone , senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder , Colorado , did the numbers .