
lái yīn hé
  • the Rhine;Rhein;Rhine River;River Rhine
莱茵河 [lái yīn hé]
  • [Rhine River] 具有历史意义和文化传统的欧洲大河之一,欧洲最大的水运动脉。源出瑞士东南部阿尔卑斯山北麓,西北流经列支敦士登、奥地利、法国、德国、荷兰,在鹿特丹附近注入北海。全长1320公里。上游为高山型河流,春夏融冰化雪时水量增多,中游多支流,有春讯,下游冬雨较多,全年水量稳定。以鲁尔工业区与荷兰内河航运网之间的水运最为繁忙

  1. 莱茵河注入北海。

    The Rhine empties into the North Sea .

  2. 马尔伯勒带领他的部队穿过莱茵河,在离布莱尼姆村不远的地方向法国和巴伐利亚联军发动了突袭。

    Marlborough led his armies across the Rhine and surprised the French and Bavarian armies near the village of Blenheim .

  3. 莱茵河发源于瑞士。

    The River Rhine rises in Switzerland .

  4. 莱茵河六幅系列摄影作品的尺寸各不相同,而这幅莱茵河II是其中最大的一幅。

    Rhein II is the largest of the six photographs , which are produced in various sizes .

  5. 他们也许甚至可以从法国改革的案例中得到帮助。法国总统尼古拉•萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)的劳动力市场改革似乎必将跨越莱茵河。

    They may even be helped by the example of the French renaissance that President Nicolas Sarkozy 's labour market reforms look set to unleash across the Rhine .

  6. 长江ECDIS符号表示库的制作是以国际标准的电子海图符号表示库为基础,并参考了莱茵河ECDIS符号表示库对长江特有的符号进行扩充。

    The Yangtze River ECDIS presentation library which is based on IHO ECDIS presentation library and consults Rhine ECDIS presentation library adds special symbols of the Yangtze River .

  7. 如果欧洲央行(ecb)购买西班牙的所有债券,在外汇市场上压低欧元,刺激莱茵河以东的通胀,从而重铸西班牙相对于欧元区其他国家的竞争力,西班牙或许也可得救。

    Spain might also be saved if the European central bank bought up all its bonds , drove down the euro in the foreign exchanges and stimulated inflation east of the Rhine , thereby restoring competitiveness to the rest of the eurozone .

  8. 以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(LaPlata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。

    The four trans-boundary rivers ( The Rhine and The Danube in Europe , The La Plata in South America and The Mekong in Southeast Asia ) were exemplified to describe the modern monitoring methodologies .

  9. 在2月份的第四个星期,她到了荷兰的奈梅亨(Nijmegen)南边几公里的加拿大第二装甲旅,加入了向莱茵河进发的大军。

    On the fourth of February , the Skink reached the Canadian2nd Armoured Brigade a few miles south of Nijmegen , Holland , and joined the Allied push on the Rhine .

  10. 重点论述了如何应用现代计算科学和信息技术建立流域生态学研究的定量方法和模型系统,最后给出了荷兰Veluwe湖和莱茵河下游的流域生态研究及模型实例。

    The paper especially highlighted the applications of the advanced computation science and information technology to developing quantitative methods and modeling system for watershed ecology research . The case studies of the watersheds of the Veluwe Lake and the River Rhine in the Netherlands were presented as well .

  11. 我们是莱茵河这边最红的组合。

    We 're the hottest combo this side of the rhine .

  12. 鲑鱼-2000计划:莱茵河流域管理成功案例

    Salmon-2000 Plan : the Successful Case of Rhine River Valley Management

  13. 保护莱茵河免受氯化物污染公约

    Convention concerning the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution by Chlorides

  14. 莱茵河两岸,古老的城堡星罗棋布。

    This waterway is dotted here and there with old German castles .

  15. 国际莱茵河流域自来水厂联合会

    International Study Group for Waterworks in the Rhine Catchment Area

  16. 德国的沿莱茵河的一个独特的区域。

    A picturesque region of Germany around the Rhine river .

  17. 河流从宾根与科布伦茨之间流入莱茵河峡谷。

    Between Bingen and Koblenz , the river enters the Rhine gorge .

  18. 他可以参加家庭聚会而泛舟莱茵河。

    He can join a family party to go down the Rhine .

  19. 这条小河在什么地方与莱茵河合流?

    Where does this stream merge into the Rhine ? 【

  20. 莱茵河。注入北海。

    The river Rhine discharges itself into the North sea .

  21. 欧洲莱茵河流域洪水管理行动计划述评

    Introduction of the Action Plan on Flood Defence in Rhine River Valley

  22. 你知道莱茵河发源于何处吗?

    Do you know where the Rhine takes its source ?

  23. 莱茵河化学污染事件及多边反应

    The Chemical Contamination Incident in Rhine River and Related Reactions Resulted from It

  24. 防止莱茵河污染,荷兰建设新的污水处理厂

    New wastewater plant built in Holand to control the pollution in Rhine River

  25. 莱茵河流经六个欧洲国家。

    The river Rhine flows through six European countries .

  26. 他的帝国从莱茵河穿过平原,一直延伸到中亚。

    His empire extended from the Rhine across the plains into Central Asia .

  27. 我告诉他,我曾为莱茵河上的英军效力。

    I told him I had played for the British Army on the Rhine .

  28. 斯特拉斯堡是莱茵河上的重要港口,也是工业和商业中心;

    Stras ­ bourg , a Rhine River port and industrial and commercial center ;

  29. 莱茵河和莫塞尔河的交汇处

    The confluence of the Rhine and the Mosel

  30. 属于或有关莱茵河或其河畔的土地的。

    Of or relating to the Rhine River and the lands adjacent to it .