
  • 网络moscato
  1. 对于最后一点我已经听得耳熟能详了——也见过市场营销人员顺应需求推出的那种葡萄酒(蛋糕梅洛葡萄酒(CupcakeMerlot)或者粉红莫斯卡托葡萄酒(PinkMoscato))。

    I 'd certainly heard that last one often enough-and seen the sort of wines that marketers created in response . ( Cupcake Merlot or Pink Moscato , anyone ? )

  2. 我把一些各不相同的葡萄酒堆放在一起,包括一些适合女性喝的(粉红莫斯卡托葡萄酒和灰皮诺葡萄酒)以及表面上看更“男性”的葡萄酒——解百纳(Cabernet)和西拉葡萄酒。

    I pulled together an appropriately disparate group of wines , including some that had been identified as fit for women ( Pink Moscato and Pinot Grigio ) and some that were ostensibly " male " - i.e. , Cabernets and Syrahs .

  3. 把少量的莫斯卡托酒加在碗里,将其浸软持续15分钟。

    Add a splash of moscato to bowl and macerate for15 minutes .