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  • curcumenol
  1. 莪术醇修饰的肿瘤疫苗抗MFC效应的研究

    Anti - MFC effect of curcumol - modified tumor cells vaccine

  2. 莪术醇对人胃癌SGC-7901细胞增殖和凋亡的影响

    The Effects of Curcumol on Multiplication and Apoptosis of Gastric Cancer SGC-7901 Cells

  3. 目的:通过检测莪术醇对体外培养的人胃癌BGC-823细胞增殖的影响、观察细胞凋亡的形态学变化、检测细胞凋亡率以及细胞内活性氧(reactiveoxygenspecies,ROS)水平的变化。

    Objective : By detecting curcumol on cultured human gastric cancer BGC-823 cells proliferation was observed morphological changes of apoptosis , detection of apoptosis rates , and intracellular reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) level changes .

  4. 由莪术醇的Ritter反应,获得了一种新的生理活性化合物(Ⅲ)。

    A novel bioactive compound (ⅲ) was obtained as a product of the Ritter reaction of curcumol (ⅰ) .

  5. 人胃癌BGC-823细胞经过不同浓度的莪术醇作用后,凋亡细胞比例明显升高,且呈浓度、时间依赖性。

    Human gastric cancer BGC-823 cells after different concentrations of curcumol role , the proportion of apoptotic cells increased significantly , and dose , time-dependent .

  6. 结果莪术醇构建的SGC-7901瘤苗能显著抑制皮下肿瘤结节形成,明显阻止胃癌细胞的肺转移,延长荷瘤鼠的生存时间。

    Results SGC-7901 cells constructed by curcumol could inhibit the formation of subcutaneous tumor nodule , interrupt pulmonary metastasis and extend the live time of mice bearing cancer .

  7. 结果:3.1MTT法检测不同浓度莪术醇处理人胃癌BGC-823细胞24、48、72h,均可抑制细胞增殖,且呈浓度、时间依赖性。

    Results : 3.1 MTT assay at different concentrations curcumol treatment of human gastric cancer BGC-823 cells 24 、 48 、 72 hours , can inhibit cell proliferation .

  8. 探讨莪术醇诱导人胃癌BGC-823细胞凋亡的机制,进一步阐明莪术醇抗肿瘤的作用机理,为莪术醇抗肿瘤作用的临床应用提供实验依据。

    Discussion curcumol induced human gastric cancer BGC-823 cells apoptosis mechanism curcumol further elucidate the role of antitumor mechanism for curcumol antitumor effect provide a basis for clinical application . 2 .

  9. 方法用莪术醇及新城鸡瘟病毒对SGC-7901细胞进行系列生物修饰,所构建的瘤苗分别对小鼠免疫接种3次后,接种SGC-7901胃肿瘤细胞,观察各组治疗及免疫效应。

    Methods SGC-7901 cells were modified by curcumol and Newcastle disease virus . The mice were vaccinated with tumor vaccine three times , then SGC-7901 cells . The therapeutic and immunological effect was observed .

  10. 80μg/ml和27μg/ml的莪术醇、30μg/ml和10μg/mlβ-榄香烯显著降低HT29细胞COX-2的表达量(p<0.01);

    Expression of COX-2 mRNA of HT-29 cell was diminished curcumol 27,80 μ g / ml and β - elemene 10 , 30 μ g / ml significantly ( p < 0.05 ) .

  11. 莪术醇(Curcumol),又名姜黄环奥醇,是从莪术挥发油中提取的有效单体成份,莪术醇抗菌、抗病毒作用在临床上已广泛应用,但其抗肿瘤作用国内外研究尚少。

    Curcumol , also known as turmeric , Central Austria alcohol , are volatile oil from Curcuma extract effective monomer composition . Curcumol antibacterial , antiviral activity in clinical practice has been widely applied , but its role in anti-tumor research at home and abroad is still less .

  12. ~3H-莪术醇在正常大鼠及肿瘤小鼠体内的代谢研究

    The metabolism of ~ 3h-curcumol in normal rats and tumour bearing mice

  13. 目的:研究莪术醇对斑马鱼胚胎发育的影响。

    Objective : To study the developmental effects of Curcumol on embryo-larval zebrafish .

  14. 温郁金化学成分及莪术醇大鼠体内代谢研究

    Studies on Chemical Substances of Curcuma Wenyujin and Metabolites of Curcumol in Rats

  15. ~8H-莪术醇自大鼠胃肠道吸收迅速且完全。

    Absorption of ~ 3H-Curcumol from gastrointestinal tract in rats was rapid and complete .

  16. 莪术醇是莪术油的有效成分之一,是一种具有发展前途的抗肿瘤药物。

    Curcumol is one of the active ingredients of curcuma oil . It is a promising anticancer drug .

  17. 本文研究了莪术醇磷酸酯单钠(CP-Na)的抗肿瘤作用。CP-Na10~(-4)-5×10~(-4)g/ml具有杀死小鼠肝癌细胞作用。

    The antineoplastic action of monosodium of curcumol phosphate ( CP & Na ) was studied in this paper .

  18. 本课题对莪术醇抗肿瘤作用及其机制进行研究,力图使莪术醇成为一种抗肿瘤新药。

    The subject of curcumol antitumor effect and mechanism study sought to curcumol become an antitumor drugs . 1 .

  19. 纳米雄黄及其复方制剂科安乳膏的抗癌机制研究莪术醇自体瘤苗治疗胃癌的初步研究

    Mechanisms of Realgar Nanoparticles and Its Formulas in Cancer Therapy Curative effect in gastric cancer patients with autologous tumor cell vaccine curcuma modified

  20. 方法以高效毛细管柱程序升温气相色谱法测定莪术醇的含量。

    Methods The contents of curcumol were determined by high performance capillary gas chromatography with sequential increase of temperature on a HEWLETT PACKARD 5890A gas chromatograph .

  21. 棉酚饵剂和莪术醇饵剂对小白鼠抗生育药效试验结论方箱法能快速检验饵剂的连环杀蟑效果,模拟现场法能更客观的评价饵剂的连环杀蟑效果。

    The effect of gossypol and curcumol baits on anti-fertility of white rat Conclusion It could test chain killing rate of cockroaches quickly using quadrate box , while simulating house could evaluate the chain killing efficacy against cockroaches externally .

  22. 一种华贵的奶油冻,用凝胶使之凝固。柱前衍生化气相色谱法测定莪术油中莪术醇含量

    A rich custard set with gelatin . Pre-column derivatization GC determination for curcumol of Oleum Curcumae

  23. 复方莪术油微囊中莪术醇的气相色谱测定

    Gas chromatographic determination of curcumol on the microcapsules of combination curcuma oil

  24. 结果表明光照强度为85%时,莪术挥发油和莪术醇含量最高,二者之间相关性显著。

    The results showed that when the light intensity was85 % , the volatile oil and crucumol content were the highest , the correlation were significant between the two .

  25. 市售莪术挥发油提取率的比较及其莪术醇含量测定

    The Comparison of Extraction Ratio of Commercial Zedoary Essential Oil and Mensuration the Curcumol Concentration

  26. 分析认为光照强度对莪术主要有效成分生物合成与积累影响显著,莪术挥发油和莪术醇生物合成的最适光照强度为85%。

    The analysis showed that , the effect of light intensity on the biosynthesis and accumulation was remarkable and the suitable light intensity was85 % .
