
yǒu cǎo
  • tare
  1. 一个人底天性不长成药草,就长成莠草;

    A man 's nature runs either to herbs , or weeds ;

  2. 杰克的习惯是不修边幅,这一习惯就像莠草一样总比庄稼长得快。

    Jack 's habits are slovenly and like ill weeds grow apace .

  3. 莠草总是容易滋长的。

    All weeds were sure to thrive .

  4. 奶牛场老板聚精会神地在那儿品味着黄油的味道,想分辨出造成这种怪异味道的是一种什么莠草,过了一会儿他突然大声说

    The dairyman , who had thrown himself into abstraction to better realize the taste , and so divine the particular species of noxious weed to which it appertained , suddenly exclaimed

  5. 时间的杰作自有时间摧残,莠草、禾苗相生相伴,天赐的搭配谁能拆散?

    Time 's handiworks by time are haunted , And nothing now can separate The corn and tares compactly grown . The armorial weed in stillness bound About the stalk ; these are our own .
