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wǎn ěr
  • smile
莞尔 [wǎn ěr]
  • [smile] 微笑的样子

  • 夫子莞尔而笑曰:割鸡焉用牛刀。--《论语.阳货》

  • 不觉莞尔

莞尔[wǎn ěr]
  1. 我帮了她一忙博得了她的莞尔一笑。

    She gave me a smile in exchange for my help .

  2. 她要了薄荷茶,并对我莞尔一笑。

    She orders a mint tea , flashing another smile .

  3. 她对他莞尔一笑,达西吃了一惊。

    She gives him a smile . Darcy looks startled .

  4. 他们的莞尔微笑中流露着一种宽容的讥诮。

    In their chastened smile is an indulgent mockery .

  5. 我甚至比吉英还要幸福;她只是莞尔微笑,我却纵声大笑。

    I am happier even than Jane ; she only smiles , I laugh .

  6. 他从来不高声大笑;也难得莞尔一笑。

    He never laughed , he seldom smiled .

  7. 罗柏特对高登莞尔一笑,摇了摇头,不再吭声。

    The Robert smiles to the Gordon and shocks his head and no longer speaks .

  8. 他冲她莞尔温柔一笑。

    He gave her a tender smile .

  9. 她于是莞尔一笑,转身走开。音乐变成彼利·乔的曲子。

    She smiled and left , and the music changed to a Billy Joel tune .

  10. 她露出卖俏的莞尔一笑。

    She gave a coquettish smile .

  11. 我当时是挺好看的,她心里想,为自己的自我欣赏不禁莞尔。

    I did look good , she thought , smiling to herself at the mild self-admiration .

  12. 各种实验性的举措逐渐展开,其表现形式极为有趣,有时甚至令人莞尔。

    Experimentation was in the air , and showed itself in interesting and sometimes amusing ways .

  13. 问题是:当这个想法被里德得知时,他也不禁莞尔一笑。

    The problem : Redd couldn 't suppress a laugh when that idea was presented to him .

  14. 不禁莞尔,淡淡的很少说话,只是算认识吧。

    Can not help but smile , a touch of very few words , just counting the knowledge bar .

  15. 师父学过多种语言,刚开始学的时候,每每有些笑话令她莞尔。

    Master has learned many languages and each time at the very beginning , there are some jokes that make her laugh .

  16. 我也喜欢划独木舟。我想,当你们听说我尤其喜欢月夜泛舟时,你们一定会莞尔相视的。

    I also enjoy canoeing , and I suppose you will smile when I say that I especially like it on moonlight nights .

  17. 放眼望去,这里的每个人都在谈论着我们的英俊王子“米切尔·苗”,他的莞尔一笑,足以倾倒每一个女子。

    All over the land , every one talked about the handsome Prince Michael who could make any woman melt with just one smile .

  18. 东京从一个昔日莞尔小城发展到现代化的大都市圈,时至今日,城市的发展仍然深刻地带有东京地域自然环境与历史的烙印。

    For the development of Tokyo from a small town to a modernized Metropolitan Region , nowadays , Tokyo still contains the characteristic of natural environment obviously .

  19. 于是,我在早餐会的开场白中写下了这样的话:“我的讲稿被狗尿湿了”。这让包括我自己在内的与会者都不禁莞尔。

    So I wove " The dog peed on my speech " into my introductory comments for the talk that morning , which gave everyone , including me , a laugh .

  20. (莞尔)不是这个意思。我知道你们投入很高的研究经费,但是,我想要的是七五折。

    D : ( chuckles ) That 's not exactly what I had in mind . I know your research costs are high , but what I 'd like is a25 % discount .

  21. 方丈莞尔一笑,拿出寒山寺中张继《枫桥夜泊》诗的碑刻拓片,虽不言语,日本僧人却已顿开茅塞。

    With a smile , the abbot took out a tablet rubbing of Zhang Ji 's Poem " Mooring by Feng'Qiao at Night . " Although nothing more was said , the Japanese monks felt enlightened .

  22. 有一次,他对着她波浪一般起伏的长发说:真希望我是你生命中惟一为你推轮椅的人。但她只是莞尔一笑,眼里没有任何表示。

    Once , he said to the wave at the back of her hair , " I hope I 'm the only chair-pusher in your life ," but she had only smiled a little and her eyes had admitted nothing .

  23. 从学会乘公交的小萌犬,到帮少年圆读书梦的邮差,每个故事都是如此温情感人,读来让人不禁莞尔。

    From a dog who somehow mastered the public transit system , to a mailman who made one young reader 's dreams come true , these stories were so moving , we just couldn 't help but crack a smile .

  24. 有一次,他对着她波浪一般起伏的长发说:“真希望我是你生命中惟一为你推轮椅的人。”但她只是莞尔一笑,眼里没有任何表示。

    Once , he said to the wave at the back of her hair , " I hope I 'm the only chair-pusher in your life , " but she had only smiled a little and her eyes had admitted nothing .
