
  1. 交叉抗药性药物创新性专利保护的两难选择

    Dilemma of Patent Protection of the Innovative Drug with Cross-Resistance

  2. 微生物次级代谢产物生物合成基因簇与药物创新

    Secondary metabolic pathway genes and new drug discovery

  3. 关于加快我国药物创新体系建设的思考新药发现和发展的新途径:天然产物的组合生物合成研究

    Thoughts on The New Drug Discovery and Development The Novel Approach of Drug Discovery and Development : Combinatorial Biosynthesis of Natural Products

  4. 聚酮化合物的组合生物合成是当前国际化学与生物学交叉学科研究的热点之一,也正在发展成为药物创新超常规的重要手段。

    Polyketide compounds and their biosynthesis by combinatorial approaches had received great attention as a cross-disciplinary subject in a new filed of chemical biology for its importance and great potential to create brand new drug in future .

  5. 他说,这将使药物研发创新和投资受到的干扰最小化,同时仍然解决泰国穷人的需求。

    This will minimise interference into research and development , innovation and investment , and still address the needs of the country 's poor , he says .

  6. 天然药物是创新药物的重要源泉,植物药筛选命中率高、毒副作用小,在癌症、炎症、免疫等疾病领域有着独特的优势和开发潜力。

    Natural drugs have always been the important source of innovative drugs , and have unique advantages and potential in many disease areas such as cancer , inflammation , immunity .

  7. EMEA在激励药物领域的创新和研发也起作用。

    The Agency also plays a role in stimulating innovation and research in the pharmaceutical sector .

  8. 设计和研究NO供体型药物已成为创新药物研究的重要策略之一。

    Design and research of NO-donating drugs becomes one of the great strategies for new drug discovery .

  9. 因此,需要大力加强基础、药物及临床创新性研究,乙型肝炎防治工作可谓任重道远。

    So , we should strengthen the basic , pharmaceutical and clinical innovation research , and we should heavy responsibilities in terms of prevention and treatment of hepatitis B.

  10. 研制重组HPS不仅可进一步揭示其活性和分子机制,还可能为严重肝病的治疗提供有效药物(已列入创新药物重大科技专项候选药物)。

    Research work on HPS is intended to reveal its biological activity and molecular mechanism . It may also provide an effective drug treatment for serious liver disease in the near future .

  11. 该技术最初的开发者是ProteusBiomedical,它是诺华制药正在开拓的合作伙伴之一。诺华制药和竞争对手都在试图通过帮助患者遵照医嘱服用药物,来维持创新药的高价。

    The partnership with Proteus Biomedical , which originally developed the technology , is one of several alliances under development by Novartis as it and rival pharmaceuticals companies attempt to maintain high prices for innovative medicines by ensuring that they are taken as the doctor ordered .

  12. 目的改善心脑血管缺氧载氧药物是一种创新药物。

    Objective Oxygen carrying drug for curing ischemia cerebral and heart disease was an innovative drug .

  13. 非洲药物和诊断制剂创新网络正致力于在非洲建立推动研发创新的一个可持续平台,我对此表示特别欢迎。

    I particularly welcome the African network for drugs and diagnostics innovation , or ANDI , which is working to create a sustainable platform for R & D innovation in Africa .

  14. 未来,爱科药业的企业发展方向是在重大挑战领域里创造创新药物,成为中国创新药物开发的领跑者。

    In the future , the direction of Aike enterprise development is to create innovative drugs in the field of major challenge , and be the leader of new drug development in China .

  15. Me-too类药物开发是以临床Ⅲ期或上市药物为先导化合物,经结构修饰和改造,快速获得活性强、毒性低的候选新药物分子的模拟创新策略。

    Me-too drug development is a kind of follow-up drug discovery strategy which can quickly obtain the strong activity and low toxicity candidate drug molecules that come from structure modification of clinical phase III stage or marketed drugs , called lead compounds .