
rónɡ shēnɡ
  • be honored by pro motion to a higher post
荣升 [róng shēng]
  • [be promoted in glory] 光荣升迁

  1. 他荣升为圣徒是有充分理由的。

    His elevation to sainthood is entirely justified .

  2. 汉克鲍尔森(hankpaulson)荣升美国财政部长,鼓舞了所有关注环境问题对金融业影响的人们。

    The elevation of Hank Paulson to the top job at the US Treasury provided a boost for all those interested in how environmental concerns are having an impact on finance .

  3. EIU驻香港经济学家贝尔(EdwardBell)说,持续的通胀,尤其是购车带来的成本是新加坡荣升全球生活成本最高城市桂冠的主要因素。

    Persistent inflation , especially with regard to car ownership , was one major factor pushing Singapore to the top of the ranking , said Edward Bell , a Hong Kong-based economist at the EIU .

  4. 虽然Adele的经纪人没有证实孩子的出生,但消息人士告诉《每日邮报》以及其他总部设在英国的出版物——这对夫妻刚生了一个男孩,并为自己荣升父母而“欣喜若狂”。

    Though Adele 's rep is not confirming the birth , sources tell The Daily Mail - and other U.K. - based publications - that the couple had a boy and are " ecstatic " over their new status as parents .

  5. Cullum荣升为少将,写有他名字的纪念堂就被用来作为陈列那些著名的已故官员以及陆军学员的毕业生的肖像的场所。

    Cullum , the memorial hall which bears his name has service as a locale for tablets and portraits of distinguished deceased officers and graduates of the Military Academy .

  6. 所以,基于以上多重原因,床垫“荣升”榜单第三位。

    These combined reasons make bed mattresses number three on the list .

  7. 我今晚荣升为外勤探员了

    I 'm a field agent as of tonight .

  8. 得知您荣升高位,非常高兴。

    Very pleased to hear of your promotion .

  9. 祝贺您调动荣升工作。再次祝贺您的升迁。

    Congratulate you on your transfer on promotion .

  10. 鉴于他的一系列成就,1986年他又荣升为公司董事会的董事长。

    In1986 , he added chairman of the board to his list of accomplishments .

  11. 汤姆的荣升并未导致他在聚会上夸夸其谈。

    Linda 's increase in importance do not lead he to do bombastic speeches at the party .

  12. 大部分荣升新妈咪角色的人都不敢梦想能在产后三个月就穿上比基尼一秀身姿。

    Most new mothers wouldn 't dream of wearing a bikini just three months after giving birth .

  13. 伊丽莎白女王即将荣升曾祖母,其外孙彼得·菲利普斯宣布妻子奥特姆已有身孕。

    One is delighted ! Queen to become a great-grandmama as Peter Phillips announces wife Autumn 's pregnancy .

  14. 荣升家具材料位于全国最大的家具材料之都&顺德龙江。

    Rongsheng Furniture Material is located in the biggest furniture material capital-Asian International Furniture Material Center , Longjiang Shunde .

  15. 2005年,他以顾问身份加入福餐饮集团,几年后荣升为总厨师长。

    He joined the Fu restaurant group as a consultant in 2005 and became executive chef a couple of years later .

  16. 三个月之内,他便被任命为执行主编,成为报社的二把手;三年之内,他就荣升主编。

    Within three months he was named managing editor , the second in command ; within three years he was executive editor .

  17. 丹尼荣升为首领,并和他的伙伴们前往洛杉矶计划出售好莱坞标志。

    Danny steps up to be leader , as the gang head to LA in an attempt to sell the Hollywood sign .

  18. 演员艾米莉亚·克拉克去年排名榜单第八,今年荣升第二。

    After finding herself No. 8 on last year 's sexiest women list , actress Emilia Clarke rose all the way up to No. 2 in 2017 .

  19. 在现代法治社会,诉权作为权利的一种早已荣升为公民的基本权利,受到宪法的保护。

    In the modern legal society , litigation has already become the fundamental right as one kind of appeal rights for citizens and is protected by the constitution .

  20. 即便是在2007年,得知自己荣升哈佛大学校长的那个清晨,我仍然有一种难以置信的感觉。

    Even in 2007 , on the morning it was likely I was about to be promoted to president of Harvard , I had a feeling of disbelief .

  21. 祝贺你荣升新职,我深信你会发觉新之工作更令人愉快,令人激动。盼望听到你之下一个成功之喜悦。

    Congratulations on your recent promotion . I am sure that you will find your new work enjoyable and exciting and I look forward to hearing your next success .

  22. 两年前,他加入了伦敦奥申委,与另外两人一起成为奥申委副主席。去年五月份,他取代了美国女商人芭芭拉·卡萨尼,荣升为伦敦奥申委主席。

    He joined London 's team as one of three vice-chairmen two years ago but by May last year he was in charge-taking over from American businesswoman Barbara Cassani .

  23. 该团于1999年荣升为国家级舞蹈团,并因其世界级舞蹈团的作品在2008年荣获威尔士艺术协会灯塔奖,受到重要的艺术协会的邀请。

    It was awarded National status in1999 and in2008 was proud to receive a major Arts Council of Wales Beacon Award in recognition of its work as a world-class dance company .

  24. 我现在可是四星买家,要不了多久就荣升五星了(星级是根据你的购物数量以及评论而定的)。

    I am now a " 4 heart " buyer and soon to graduate to " 5 hearts " ( a scoring system based on how many items you buy and reviews you write ) .

  25. 在过去的82年里,瑞典的诺贝尔委员会决定了谁将获得诺贝尔文学奖,因此也就决定了谁将从伟大或近乎伟大荣升为不朽。

    For the last 82 years , Sweden 's Nobel Academy has decided who will receive the Nobel Prize in Literature , thereby determining who will be elevated from the great and the near great to the immortal .