
  • 网络Litchi;Litchi sonn;Litch
  1. 荔枝是无患子科荔枝属植物,原产于中国。

    Litchi is a plant of Litchi department of Sapindaceae , and originated from China .

  2. 番荔枝属不同品种叶表面微形态的电镜观察

    Observation of leaf surface micro-configuration of different custard apple species with scanning electron microscope

  3. 龙眼荔枝属间原生质体电融合

    Electrofusion of protoplasts between longan and litchi

  4. 番荔枝属果树栽培研究进展

    Research Advances on Cultivation of Annona

  5. 总结了番荔枝属植物的研究进展。包括化学成分的结构类型,光谱特征及生理活性。

    The paper reviews the progress in the research on Annona plants , including the structure of chemical constituents , spectroscopic characteristics and physiological activities .

  6. 番荔枝属植物:任一种产于热带美洲的番荔枝属的树木,尤指网状番荔枝属,生有大的近似心状的可食用果实,果肉为白色至淡黄色。

    Any of several tropical American trees of the genus Annona , especially A.reticulata , having large , nearly heart-shaped edible fruits with white to yellowish flesh .

  7. 试举一例,早在唐初,荔枝已属享有盛名之美味。

    For instance , because of its Good taste , litchi has won itself a reputation as early as in Tang Dynasty .