
huānɡ dàn jù
  • Absurd drama;fantastic play
  1. Chico也因为出演被叫做荒诞剧的剧目而出名。

    Chico also was known for performing what was called the comedy of the absurd .

  2. 这项创意直接源自于法国荒诞剧。

    This one has come straight from the French absurd theatre .

  3. 解读荒诞剧《等待戈多》:对人类生存状况的反思

    An Interpretation of Waiting for Godot : the Theatre of the Absurd

  4. 这是一部关于诸如钓鱼和游泳等简单事件的无言荒诞剧。

    Nonverbal grotesque about such simple thing as a fishing and swimming .

  5. 明代中后期的荒诞剧荒诞派与中国80年代戏剧

    The Absurd Theatre in the Middle and Later Periods of the Ming Dynasty

  6. 论文对清代荒诞剧的主要作家作品作了概要而较为全面的论述。

    The article generally and systematically examines the major dramatists and works of the theater of the absurd in the Qing Dynasty .

  7. 我们的函数中的东西,我们不会让你去写皮兰德娄的荒诞剧,但是我们会教你写漂亮的代码。

    We won 't make you write dramas like Pirandello , but we 're going to try make you at least write good code .

  8. 最后,吴祖光又大胆地拓展了自己的审美视野和戏剧思维方式,借用西方荒诞剧的艺术手法,创作了荒诞喜剧《嫦娥奔月》。

    Lastly , WU Zu-guang broadens his aesthetic vision and drama 's mode of thinking by making use of the artistry of the absurd theatre , and produces his famous absurd comedies .

  9. 他说,华盛顿上演的荒诞剧加大了投资者抛售美元的可能性,因为美国联邦政府显然还没有准备好要戒掉借债支出之瘾。

    He says the theater of the absurd playing out in Washington makes it likelier that investors will dump the dollar as it becomes apparent that progress on a fix to our national spending addiction is not in train .

  10. 感伤的文化气息正产生于这种土壤,而文化表征的转变还体现在悲剧向荒诞剧的转变过程中,当下社会文化现状就是如此。

    Sentimental cultural atmosphere is generated from this soil , and cultural representation of the change is also reflected in the transformation process of the tragedy to the theater of the absurd is the case , the current social and cultural status quo .

  11. 今年63岁的范·埃克说,这部连环画式的电影将是一部荒诞幽默剧。

    Van Eyck , 63 , said his comic book-style film would be a black comedy .

  12. 《庄子》以其关注现实人生的荒诞体验而成为中国荒诞剧鼻祖,它所倡导的荒诞精神与后来西方荒诞派戏剧不谋而合。

    Zhuang Ze was the origin of Chinese Theater of Absurdity for it emphasized absurd reality and the extraordinary experiences of human beings .