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cǎo gǎo
  • draft;rough draft;manuscript;draught
草稿 [cǎo gǎo]
  • [rough draft;manuscript] 草底儿

  • 屈平属草稿未定, 上官大夫见而欲夺之。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

草稿[cǎo gǎo]
  1. 我已经写好这封信的草稿。

    I 've made a rough draft of the letter .

  2. 我把他的草稿重新改写,并以我的名字发表了。

    I rewrote his rough draft , which was published under my name

  3. 我知道这篇草稿需要校订。

    I know that this draft text will need to be edited .

  4. 说一句不打草稿的话,我认为你是对的。

    Speaking off the bat , I 'd say you were right .

  5. 昆士兰延时紫罗兰世纪至今为止,研究的最成功的复苏植物之一,去年一个中国团队发表了他的基因图谱草稿。

    The Queensland rock violet is one of the best studied resurrection plants so far , with a draft genome published last year by a Chinese team .

  6. 按照此前说到的那样,我们会争取在今天晚些时候把文件草稿发给您,供您审批。

    As per our conversation , we hope to send you the draft document for your approval later today .

  7. DMService允许应用程序创建、删除和发布草稿。

    The DM Service allows applications to create , delete , and publish drafts .

  8. 第二篇论文是以草稿形式在3月底的皇家经济学会(RoyalEconomicSociety)吉尔福德会议上提交的。

    The second paper was presented in draft form at the Royal Economic Society meeting in Guildford at the end of March .

  9. 在我的草稿通过后,我就开始下一个步骤,开始在3D中建模。

    Once I had the approval of the draft , I went on with the next step , start modeling in3D .

  10. 希望在明年年初能够看到beta版的草稿。

    Expect to see beta drafts early next year .

  11. IBM刚刚加入了299专家组,正在致力于修订公开草稿。

    IBM has just joined the299 expert group and is now contributing to the development of the revised Public Draft .

  12. 目前,该语言规范还是W3C的工作草稿。

    The specification of the language is W3C working draft now .

  13. 指导方针的草稿表明,FDA将需要将近一年的时间来回顾这些申请。

    Draft guidelines suggest the FDA could take nearly a year to review an application .

  14. 指定您希望发布博客文章(True)还是将新的/更新的博客文章存储为草稿(False)。

    Specifies whether you want to publish the blog entry ( True ) or leave the new / updated entry stored as a draft ( False ) .

  15. 在一篇文章中,TimBray,审视了SunCloudAPI的第一版公众草稿所收到的反馈。

    In an article , Tim Bray , examines the feedback from the first public draft of the APIs for the Sun Cloud .

  16. 草稿:运行ics时,icw无法运行。

    Draft : icw cannot run while ICs is running .

  17. 许多人帮忙审阅了草稿并反馈意见,包括JanetGregory。

    Lots of people helped with reviewing drafts and giving us ideas , including Janet Gregory .

  18. 作者要感谢RussellWright对本文的早期草稿所提出的宝贵评论和意见。

    The authors wish to thank Russell Wright for his valuable review and comments on early drafts of this article .

  19. 后来丹·斯特林(DanSterling)写了剧本草稿,主持人这个角色比我们想象的要疯狂得多。

    And then Dan Sterling wrote a draft of the script , and the character was just way more crazy than we thought .

  20. 我将会给你的草稿一个记号,而不是分数,但如果修正稿没准时交就是F,不及格。

    You will receive a mark , not a grade , on the first draft you hand in , and an " F " if the revision is not in on time .

  21. 草稿:要选择该服务器类型,ntfs驱动器必须可用。

    Draft : an NTFS drive must be available in order to select this server type .

  22. 因此在公开草稿中,我们重新把其功能定位成一套用于现存EE组件类型的服务。

    In the Public Draft we therefore re-characterized the functionality as a set of services that were offered to certain existing EE component types .

  23. 很多JCP成员,包括IBM,批评WebBeans早期草稿,认为它是一种新的“组件模型”。

    A number of JCP members , including IBM , criticized the Web Beans Early Draft on the basis that it was characterized as a new " component model " .

  24. 这三个阶段分别是基于SLA模板和SLS模板的SLA草稿构造阶段、基于策略的SLA协商阶段和SLA接纳控制阶段。

    The whole procedure consists of three phases : SLA-offer construction relying on SLA template and SLS template , policy-based SLA negotiation and SLA admission control .

  25. 提案主管应负责将正在开发的解决方案的一份草稿交给质量保证(QA)团队。

    It is the responsibility of the proposal leader to provide an initial draft of the developing solution to the quality assurance ( QA ) team .

  26. 完成了所有信息后,可以将此保存为草稿PMR或进行提交。

    After all information is completed , you can save this as a draft PMR , or submit it .

  27. 如果用户把QuickPlace页面保存为草稿,那么它不会做任何事情。

    If the user saves the QuickPlace page as a draft , we won â™ t do anything .

  28. 作者希望感谢SamanthaShurety对本文的草稿的检查。

    The authors would like to thank Samantha Shurety for reviewing an early draft of this article .

  29. CLM支持定义来自用户事例或者用例,事例板,UI草稿,进程图,文本,图形,甚至音频或者视频多种形式的特性。

    CLM supports defining features in many forms from user stories or use cases , storyboards , UI sketches , process diagrams , text , images , and even audio or video .

  30. FleetMatics于2012年5月17日保密提交了IPO登记表草稿,预计在SEC完成审核流程后将启动IPO。

    The offering is expected to commence after the SEC completes the review process initiated by fleetmatics ' confidential Submission on Thursday May 17 , 2012 of its draft registration statement .