
  • 网络grass-rooted culture;grass-roots culture;grass rooted culture;GRASSROOTS CULTURE
  1. 一些人对其盛赞不已,认为它们代表了草根文化对官方或精英文化的胜利,还有人则认为这样的节目只是在鼓励年轻人追求一夜成名。

    Some celebrated them for representing the victory of grassroots culture over official or elite culture , while others believed the show just encouraged young people to seek out overnight fame .

  2. 战争话语下的草根文化&论抗战时期山西革命根据地的民间小戏

    Grass-roots Culture in the Context of War : Folk Operas in the Shanxi Revolutionary Base during the Resistance War against Japan

  3. 草根文化和恶搞文化背景下的品牌传播

    Brand Communication in the Background of Grass Root Culture and Parody Culture

  4. 论西南民族地区草根文化的基础教育意蕴

    Essence of Folk Culture in Basic Education in Southwestern Ethnic Regions of China

  5. 技术创新的草根文化基础

    Grass-Root Culture for Technological Innovations

  6. 从美国革命到人权时代,美国选举曾经充满生机,参与者信念坚定,草根文化喧嚣一时。

    From the Revolution to the Civil Rights Era , the United States had a vibrant , robustly participatory and raucous culture of voting .

  7. 来自南京大学新闻传播学院的郑欣教授表示,相比精英文化,草根文化在中国正开始崭露头角。

    Zheng Xin , professor at the School of Journalism & Communication at Nanjing University , says a grassroots-oriented rather than elite-based culture is emerging in China .

  8. 老中关村地区有着极其复杂的文化生态,无论是主流的精英群体还是其他普通人群都没有完全脱去其“中国”与“本土”的草根文化本色。

    The cultural environment is so complicated in Zhongguancun Community , all groups , both elite and popular , are grounded in the background of China to some extend .

  9. 第二章从相关概念入手,旨在对自媒体、草根文化以及网络草根名人、社会功能的理解进行梳理。

    The second chapter , from the perspective of the related concepts , interpret the self-media , grass celebrity , the internet culture of grass celebrity and the social function .

  10. 它通过真实记录底层人物的生存状态,展现他们艰难曲折的命运和苦涩辛酸的同时,也向我们展示了农民工身上那诙谐幽默、坚忍不拔、知足常乐的草根文化精神。

    Through the true record of survival of the underlying people , it shows us their arduous bitter fate , and also shows their grass-roots spirits of humor , perseverance , and contentment .

  11. 民间小戏,作为草根文化的代表,其产生、发展、兴盛与乡村社会有着直接而紧密的联系,较真实地反映了社会生活的多元图景。

    As a representative of grass-roots culture , the origin , development and flowering of folk opera has direct and strict connections with rural society , and gives a comparatively true reflection of many aspects of social life .

  12. 同时,儒家文化延展为草根文化的一部分,现代精英文化介入并引起区域文化变迁,这两个过程共同营造了现代社会文明共生的发展模式。

    Meanwhile , the extention of Confucian Culture is part of Grass Root Culture , and the interference of modern refined culture arouses transformation in regional culture . These two courses build the to-existing developing pattern of modern social civilization .

  13. 最后对落实草根文化的基础教育功能提出了三点建议:确立新的民族基础教育观、整理加工草根文化、加强校内外教育的融通。

    Finally , three suggestions to carry out the functions of the Elementary Education are brought out : establishing the new ideas on the Elementary Education in minority regions , settling and processing the folk culture , strengthening the amalgamation of school education and the social education .