
  1. 这种焦虑延续在茹志鹃的整个十七年创作期间,以至更长。

    The anxiety had lasted for the whole 17-year literature period or even longer .

  2. 《百合花》作为茹志鹃的代表作是十七年中不可多得的优秀小说。

    Lily as a masterpiece of Ru Zhi-juan is one of the rarely outstanding novels in recent seventeen years .

  3. 《百合花》是著名作家茹志鹃的代表作,她突破了革命小说的表达局限,赋予了革命题材一抹异常明亮的人性的光辉。

    The writer broke through the expressional limitation of revolutionary novels and endowed the revolutionary theme with the magnificent glory of human nature .

  4. 在半个世纪的流变中,论者大都把第一人称叙事、侧面描写战争、细节描写等作为这篇小说反映茹志鹃创作风格的具体体现。

    During a half century 's change , most of the critics regard the first person recount , side describe of the war and describe in details as the reflection of her creation style .