
róng máo
  • fuzz;lousiness;seta;fine hair (of man or animals);hair
茸毛 [róng máo]
  • [fine hair (of man or animals)] 身体表面或某些内壁长的短而柔软的毛;一般指动物初生柔软的细毛

茸毛[róng máo]
  1. 他面颊上淡淡的金黄色茸毛。

    The light , blond fuzz on his cheeks .

  2. 我什么都看不见,但可以感受到它身上的茸毛摩擦着我的鼻孔。

    I can 't see a thing , but I can feel his fuzz in my nostrils .

  3. 荨麻长有四方茎和细小茸毛。

    The stinging nettle has a square stem and little hairs .

  4. 整株植物都覆盖着细茸毛。

    The whole plant is covered with fine down .

  5. 植物的茸毛像针一样细。

    The hairs on a plant are fine like threads .

  6. 番茄多茸毛基因Ln的遗传研究

    Study on Inheritance of Tomato Ln Gene

  7. 番茄多茸毛基因Wo~(mz)的遗传表现及其利用价值

    Inheritance of Tomato Wo ~ ( mz ) Gene and the Value of the Gene in Tomato Breeding

  8. 茎直立,高70~200cm,全部被污白色或浅褐色绢状或棉状密茸毛。

    The stems are erect and about 70 ~ 200 cm high , which have white or beige and silk-like or cotton-like dense villus on the surface .

  9. 辣椒体表茸毛的形态结构与分布特点研究

    Study on Morphological Structure and Distribution Features of Hairs on Capsicum

  10. 大白菜生长过程中的重要性状,如茸毛的变异系数达到了77.5%,中肋色的变异系数为53.5%;

    The variation-coefficient of the petiole color can be 53.5 % .

  11. 茸毛剪可不会这么对他们的理发师。

    They don 't treat barbers like this at nappy cutz .

  12. 基于广义柱面和线性插值的植物茸毛模拟

    Plant Hairs Modeling Based on Generalized Cylinder and Linear Interpolation

  13. 蚕茧与生丝茸毛关系的研究

    A study on silk exfoliation in relation with properties of raw cocoons

  14. 我在孟菲斯的朋友去过茸毛剪了。

    My boys up in Memphis go to nappy cut .

  15. 提高名牌丝茸毛分级度的研究

    A Study on Improving Lousiness - Gradation of Famous-br and Raw Silk

  16. 甲壳虫的成虫身体上有柔软光滑的茸毛。

    The adult beetle has silken hairs on its body .

  17. 无毛和卷曲茸毛的植株这块布摸上去毛茸茸的。

    D curly pubescent plants This cloth has a warm woolly feel .

  18. 他们在对门开了一家茸毛剪。

    They 're opening a nappy cutz across the street .

  19. 7种鹿茸茸毛的显微鉴别及系统聚类分析

    Microscopical Identification and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of Seven Kinds of Pilose Antler Velvet

  20. 茶叶茸毛与品质关系的研究

    Studies on relation of tea quality to fine hairs

  21. 影响茸毛成绩的原因调查

    Factors . Affecting the Testing Results of Lousiness

  22. 通过纤维素酶、果胶酶协同生态整理,可起到去茸毛、除杂和柔软作用。

    Study on effects of pectase and cellulose on the juice extraction rate of persimmon ;

  23. 棉花叶片密生茸毛和红株性状均由单显性基因控制。

    Trichomes and red plant traits were controled by a single dominant gene in cotton .

  24. 根茎拥有柔软灰色茸毛的骨碎补蕨科植物。

    Either of two ferns of the genus Davallia having a soft gray hairy rootstock .

  25. 关于桑蚕丝茸毛的研究

    A Study of Mulberry Silk Lousiness

  26. 这种乳膏可除去面部的茸毛。

    The cream dissolves facial hair .

  27. 你私自闯入茸毛剪?

    You broke into nappy cutz ?

  28. 叶片茸毛数和谷壳稃毛数都以主基因遗传为主。

    The numbers of leaf pubescences and hull pubescences were all mainly governed by major genes .

  29. 番茄新种质材料&茸毛番茄的获得

    A new germplasm resource material & the tomentose form of tomato acquired by means of selection

  30. 棉花叶片茸毛分布及其与棉铃虫产卵的关系

    Observations on the distribution of cotton leaf pubescence as related to the oviposition of cotton boll worm
