
chá guǎn
  • teahouse;tea room
茶馆 [chá guǎn]
  • [teahouse] 卖茶和点心的地方,一般设有座位

茶馆[chá guǎn]
  1. 茶馆里又发生了一场打斗。

    Another dust-up took place in the teahouse .

  2. 照那样改动,会面目全非,就不是原来的《茶馆》了。

    Changes like that will completely alter the play from the original " teahouse ".

  3. 这家茶馆有三十多个茶座儿。

    This tea house can seat thirty .

  4. B:是的,他是一个伟大的作家。他的戏剧《茶馆》尤其出名。

    B : Yes , He 's a great writer . He 's especially famous for his play Teahouse .

  5. B:你喜欢吗?A:是的,很有趣——这是最主要的。我希望下次能听懂更多。我听说那个茶馆是以老舍的名字命名的。

    B : Did you enjoy it ? A : Yes , it was interesting -- that 's the main thing . I hope to understand more next time . I heard that the teahouse was named after Lao She .

  6. A:我和凌昨晚去了老舍茶馆。

    A : Ling and I went to Lao She Teahouse last night .

  7. 茶馆在中国很受欢迎。

    Tea houses became popular throughout China .

  8. Taylor竟然开了间茶馆

    And to think Taylor 's gone off to run a tea shop !

  9. 在坚尼地城(KennedyTown),不起眼的面店和传统茶馆要多于服装店和美式咖啡馆,香港岛上这样的街区已经不多见了。

    Kennedy Town is among the few remaining districts on Hong Kong island where hole-in-the-wall noodle joints and traditional tea houses outnumber clothing stores and US coffee shops .

  10. 丹说,能证明他这间茶馆有鬼魂出没的证据绝不止这一条。丹的茶馆在英国珀斯,名叫CuriositeazVintage。

    And Dan claims it 's not the only evidence of ghostly goings-on at his Curiositeaz Vintage Tea Room in Perth .

  11. 去年年底,一家HelloKitty主题茶馆在京都开张,它有风格类似的点心菜单和抹茶拿铁。

    And late last year a Hello Kitty teahouse made its debut in Kyoto with a similarly styled dim sim menu and matcha green tea lattes .

  12. 他在班加罗尔的印度信息技术区开一家名为ChaiPoint的茶馆,随后不到1年时间里就在全市开了14家ChaiPoint。

    He has opened a tea store called Chai Point in India 's information technology section in Bangalore . In less than a year , fourteen Chai Points have opened in the city .

  13. 城市休闲茶馆的涌现和功能&基于泰安TY茗茶馆的个案调查

    The Emergence and Function of recreation-oriented Tea House in City & Based on the investigation of TY tea house of Tai'an City

  14. (FortuneSmallBusiness)--沙莫瓦茶吧(SamovarTeaLounge)是旧金山一家有着三间茶馆的连锁店,在那你找不到无线网络,也找不到涂满本地新闻和广告的宣传板。

    Tea cozy ( Fortune Small Business ) -- At Samovar Tea Lounge , a chain of three teahouses in San Francisco , you 'll find no wireless Internet or bulletin board littered with local news and advertisements .

  15. 但是,这里有中国的十二生肖园,每个园子里都会有十二个迪士尼动物中的一种,比如小兔桑普(Thumper),代表兔年,还有一个名叫“漫月食府”(WanderingMoon)的茶馆。

    But there would be Chinese zodiac gardens , each featuring one of a dozen Disney creatures like Thumper ( Year of the Rabbit ) , and a teahouse called the Wandering Moon .

  16. 弗吉尼亚州哈里斯堡的一个酒吧给一个特定阵营的精灵宝可梦Go玩家打九折,旧金山日本城的一家茶馆推出了面向精灵宝可梦Go玩家的“买一赠一”活动。

    A bar in Harrisburg , Virginia , was offering a 10 percent discount to " Pok é mon Go " players on a specific team , while a tea shop in Japantown in San Francisco offered a " buy one tea , get one free " deal to Pok é mon Go players .

  17. 但在本该是当地茶馆的地方,却出现了一座对当代中国农村来说完全陌生的咖啡馆。这家咖啡馆的中文名称是“梦·巴黎咖啡休闲会所”(英文名:DreamofParisCaféclub)。

    But in the spot where you would expect the local tea merchant is a building with a sign completely alien in contemporary rural China : " I Dream of Paris Caf é " it says , in both English and Chinese .

  18. 跟着Nagashima来到由茶馆、寺庙和重建的武士府邸组成的迷宫后,我感觉自己像是掉进了兔子洞的爱丽丝。

    Following Nagashima into the labyrinth ofteahouses , temples and restored samurai houses , I felt like Alice slipping intothe rabbit hole .

  19. 在一间茶馆里和十几名手机用户聊天后,记者发现没人听说过Freenet或Internet.org,但很多人抱怨,相比通信市场的领军企业Airtel和沃达丰(Vodafone),信实的数据网络非常慢,用户服务也很差。

    A conversation with a dozen cellphone users at a tea shop uncovered no one who had heard of Freenet or Internet.org , but plenty of complaints about Reliance 's sluggish data network and poor customer service compared to the market leaders , Airtel and Vodafone .

  20. 《茶馆》在首都剧场演出。

    " The Teahouse " is playing at the Capital Theatre .

  21. 第二章是对中国茶馆的一个介绍。

    The second chapter is a general review of Chinese teahouses .

  22. 现在,这家茶馆成了当地爱茶人士们必去的地方。

    Now , it 's an obligatory stop for local tea-lovers .

  23. 试论近代中国茶馆的社会功能

    A Tentative Analysis of the Social Functions of China 's Teahouse

  24. 茶馆在理论上的研究远远落后于其实践的发展。

    The teahouse research theoretically falls behind by the practice development .

  25. 再读《茶馆》:从语篇翻译理论看地理方言的翻译

    Rethinking Teahouse : A Reflection on the Translation of Geographical Dialects

  26. 老舍茶馆欢迎五洲四海宾客光临惠顾!

    We welcome the patronage of all Chinese and foreign guests .

  27. 在你的茶馆中设法得到绿茶。

    So try to get green tea in your tea shop .

  28. 鱼板面在街边小摊及茶馆里都可以买到。

    Mohinga is sold by streetside vendors and in some teashops .

  29. 论《茶馆》语言风格的等效翻译

    On the Equivalent Effect Translation of the Language Style of Tea House

  30. 首先,介绍了茶馆的简史。

    Firstly , it introduces the brief history of teahouses .