
  • 网络saponin;Tea saponin;teasaponin;theasaponin
  1. 无机盐主要对溶液中的SDS表面活性产生影响,茶皂素性质比较稳定,基本不受影响。

    Inorganic salt had a major impact on surface activity of SDS but little on tea saponin 's since its steady quality .

  2. 茶皂素HLB值的结构分析

    Evaluating the hydrophilic and lipophilic balance ( hlb ) value of tea saponin from its chemical structure

  3. 驱虫和添加茶皂素均显著降低瘤胃液pH值(P<0.05),但均处于正常范围内。

    Both tea saponins and defaunation decreased ruminal pH ( P0.05 ), but all values were in the normal range .

  4. TiO2纳米微粒-茶皂素水基乳化液的切削行为研究

    Study on the Cutting Properties of a Water-Based Emulsified Liquid Containing OA-TiO_2 Nanoparticles and Tea Saponins

  5. 茶皂素是从山茶科(Theaceae)山茶属(Camellia)植物中提取出来的一类齐墩果烷型三萜类皂甙的混合物。

    Tea saponin s is a mixture of oleanene-type triterpene saponin that extracted from theaceae camellia plants .

  6. 茶皂素(Teasaponin)是五萜三甙类糖甙化合物,具有许多物理化学性质及生物生理活性,对化工业、农业、牧渔业等的发展均有促进作用。

    Tea saponin as three glucoside terpenoid , has much of physical , chemical and biological physiological activity , and always stimulates the development of the chemical industry , agriculture , animal husbandry and fishery .

  7. 文中还对茶皂素的CMC值、茶皂素降低农药表面张力的意义和生产上的使用浓度进行了讨论。

    In this paper , CMC of tea saponin , the significance of tea saponin on reducing surface tension of pesticide solutions and the applied concentration in practice were also discussed .

  8. 目的:观察茶皂素对壬苯醇醚(N9)的杀精增效作用。

    Objective : To study the effect of tea saponin in ameliorating nonoxynol ( N-9 ) spermicidal action in vitro .

  9. 结果表明:0.5μm的陶瓷膜预处理加PW超滤膜浓缩提纯的工艺适宜用于茶皂素的提纯浓缩。

    The results indicated that 0.5 μ m ceramic membrane can be used for pretreatment of the dilute tea saponin solution and PW ultra filtration membrane can be applied for concentration and purification .

  10. 采用注射、熏蒸、点滴、饲喂、内吸等方法测定了茶皂素对菜粉蝶PierisrapaeL.5龄幼虫的拒食活性。

    The antifeeding activity of tea saponin against the 5th instar larvae of Pieris rapae were determined by the methods of injection , topical application , fumigation , systemic action and feeding , etc.

  11. 方法:按照国际计划生育基金会体外杀精试验改良法,测定N9、茶皂素及其混合液对家兔精子20s、3min的最低杀精浓度。

    Methods : According to the improved spermicidal test method in vitro recommended by International Planned Parenthood Foundation ( IPPF ), we evaluated the minimum spermicidal concentration of N-9 , tea saponin and their mixed solution in 20 s and 3 min.

  12. 正交法在茶皂素工艺上的应用

    Application of Right Cross Test on Technological Process of Tea Saponin

  13. 所得茶皂素的重量百分含量可达80%以上。

    The yield of saponin is over 80 % by weight .

  14. 对粗茶皂素的提取纯化工艺进行了研究。

    A simple purification method for crude tea saponin was described .

  15. 茶皂素的提取及其应用研究进展

    Progress on the Research fields or the extraction and application

  16. 茶皂素有机硅季铵盐的合成及其在洗发香波中的应用

    Preparation and application of tea-seed saponin modified silicone polymer quaternary ammonium salt

  17. 茶树各部分茶皂素含量的测定和比较分析

    Assay and Comparison of Tea Saponin in Various Parts of Tea Plant

  18. 利用茶皂素制备金属切削剂

    The preparation of metal - cutting liquid with tea saponin

  19. 茶皂素对几种农药的增效作用测定

    Tests of Synergistic Actions of Tea Saponin on Several Pesticides

  20. 茶皂素浮选法去除皮革废水中重金属离子的研究

    Removal of Heavy Metal Ions in Tannery Wastewater with Tea Saponin Flotation

  21. 响应曲面法优化茶皂素提取工艺的研究

    Application of Response Surface Methodology for Optimizing Extraction Technology of Tea Saponin

  22. 茶皂素对潮土重金属污染的淋洗修复作用

    Leaching remediation of heavy metal contaminated fluvio-aquatic soil with tea-saponin

  23. 茶皂素的提取过程中的色素抑制研究

    Study on the Color Depress during the Distillation Process of Tea Saponine

  24. 从油茶籽饼粕中提取茶皂素的研究

    On the extraction of tea-saponin from the cake of camellia oleifera seeds

  25. 茶皂素在农药工业中应用研究进展

    Progress on the Research Field of Tea Saponin Application in Pesticide Industry

  26. 茶皂素作为碳钢酸洗缓蚀剂的研究

    Study of Theasaponin Acts as Pickling Inhibitor on Carbon Steel

  27. 茶皂素表面活性性能及对丝毛织物的洗涤效果

    Surface Activities of Tea Saponin and Its Washing Efficiency to Silk and Wool

  28. 茶皂素在加气混凝土中的应用机理

    Action Mechanism of Tea Saponin in Aerated Concrete Industry

  29. 壳聚糖对茶皂素水溶液絮凝工艺的研究

    Study on flocculation of tea saponin solution with chitosan

  30. 溴酸钾法测定茶皂素

    The Determination of Tea Saponin by Potassium Bromate Method