
  • 网络Tea dhool
  1. 茶坯的吸香能力和保香效果随其含水量增加而增强;

    The ability of absorbing aroma and the effects of keeping aroma increased with water content of tea dhool ;

  2. 水浸出物直接影响茶坯对香气物质吸附的选择性;

    Water extract directly affects the selection of aromatic material absorption by tea leaves ;

  3. 花茶是由含苞待放的鲜花与茶坯混合窨制而成。花茶以花香鲜灵持久,茶味醇厚回甘为上品。

    Jasmine tea is made through scenting tea with fresh flower buds . Top-grade Jasmine tea always has enduring fragrance and unforgettable after taste .