  • hay;dry grass
  • 喂牲畜的干草:“峙乃刍~”。

  • 〔~白〕菰的嫩茎经某种病菌寄生后膨大,可做蔬菜。

  • 用竹篾或芦苇编成的缆索。

  1. 干物质中P、K含量的变化总体呈下降趋势,N的含量在孕茭膨大期有一个激增过程。

    Contents of P , K in dry matter basically decreased , but that of N increased dramatically during the pregnant period .

  2. 收割单位质量的茭草比收割单位质量的水芹能去除富营养化水体中更多的P元素。

    Unit mass of the wild rice harvest harvest units than the quality of the grass can get rid of eutrophic water cress more P elements . 3 .

  3. 肉质茎中除CAT外,其他几种保护酶的活性在膨大后期下降至低于雄茭茎尖。

    The activities of protect enzymes except CAT in the gall were lower than which in the culm tips of Unpregnant Zizania Latifolia .

  4. 孕茭前~(14)C同化物在短缩茎分配率较大,而叶片、叶鞘较小,说明短缩茎是养分贮藏的中间库;

    The allocate rate of 14C assimilation is highest in culm before pregnant , lower in leaf-blade and leaf-sheath , which showed that culm was the middle sink in nutrient store progress .

  5. 东太湖茭草资源的开发利用

    Exploitation of the Wild Rice Resources in the East Taihu Lake

  6. 双季茭白鄂茭2号的选育

    A New Double-harvest Water Bamboo Cultivar Ejiao No. 2

  7. 分蘖数前期低于正常茭,后期则超过正常茭。

    The number of tillers was lower in prophase and higher in anaphase .

  8. 叶片叶绿素含量孕茭前低于雄茭,孕后则较高;

    The chlorophyll contents were higher before pregnanting period , lower after it .

  9. 但在群体条件下,早期分蘖发生较少,且多会枯死;拨节孕茭时,停止发生;

    Tillers developed earlier were eventually fewer and mostly dead under population conditions .

  10. 东太湖茭草资源生态评价及利用对策

    Ecological Evaluation and Utilization Countermeasures or Wild Rice Resource in the East Taihu lake

  11. 产卵选择性试验结果表明,水稻田和茭白田二化螟均喜在茭白植株上产卵。

    SSB from both rice and Zizania fields mostly prefer to oviposit on Zizania plants .

  12. 在温度较低的秋季,植物处于生长停滞期,茭草、香蒲、苦草和芦苇湿地对总氮的去除率也超过了60%。

    In autumn the removal efficiency of three form of nitrogen are all over 60 % .

  13. 北方稻田和茭白田二化螟越冬幼虫生物学特性的比较

    Comparison of overwintered bionomics of Chilo suppressalis larvae from paddy-rice field with those from water-oat field in North China

  14. 双季茭白龙茭2号的抗虫性和耐寒性评价

    Preliminary Evaluation on Resistance to Insects and Cold Tolerance of A New Double-season Zizania latifolia Variety ' Longjiao No.2 '

  15. 蔗糖合成酶的分解方向活性显著高于合成方向,且后期维持较高水平,葑红早的双向活性均高于蒋墅茭;

    Activities of sucrose synthase in direction of cleavage were higher than those in synthetic one and keep higher in anaphase .

  16. 水稻田二化螟羽化成虫的雌雄性比为1∶1.44,而茭白田二化螟则接近1∶1。

    The sex ratios of female male SSB from rice and Zizania fields were 1 ∶ 1.44 and close to 1 ∶ 1 respectively .

  17. 结果表明,一熟茭品种蒋墅茭的发病率、危害程度及相应的产量损失要高于二熟茭(秋茭);

    The result showed that in disease percentage , disease index and yield loss , one-harvest water bamboo was higher than two-harvest ( autumn-harvest ) .

  18. 在挺水植物芦苇的腐解过程中,水体的化学需氧量、总氮、总磷浓度最低;茭草在分解后期,会引起水体的化学需氧量、总氮浓度上升,导致水质变差。

    For Zizania latifolia , the concentrations of total nitrogen and chemical oxygen demand would increase in the late period of its decomposition , and lead to the deterioration of water quality .

  19. 根据1990年调查,对东太湖茭草资源现状及环境影响进行论述,揭示其生态失调、利用价值下降的趋势;

    This paper deals with present state of wild rice resources in the east Taihu Lake , the environmental impact , the tendency of ecological disturbance and the decline in their utilizations .

  20. 二化螟越冬幼虫龄期均在4龄以上,茭白田冬初6龄幼虫的比例比稻田高17.5%;冬后稻田和茭白田高龄幼虫比例均高于冬初。

    The results show that overwintering larvae are 4th instar or older , and the 6th instar ratio in water-oat fields is 17.5 % higher than those in paddy-rice fields in early winter .

  21. 正常茭叶片的光合强度在第一次分蘖盛期出现第一个高峰,随后下降,二次分蘖期光合强度并没有出现峰值。

    The photosynthetic intensity of the normal Zizania Latifolia latifolia showed the first high peak at the first tillering stage , and descended later , there are no peak in the second tillering stage .

  22. 从2002年12月~2003年3月,芦苇和茭草残体分解期间湿地底泥有机质的矿化率分别为51.3g/m~3/d和142.0g/m~3/d。

    From December of 2002 to March of 2003 ( just the decompositin period of water plants ), the mineralization rates of organic matters are 51.3g/m3/d in reed sediments and 142.0g/ m3 / d in wild rice sediment .

  23. 主要研究结果如下:1、通过大田小区径流试验,得出了茭白单作和茭稻轮作模式常规施肥条件下面源污染流失规律。

    The results are showed as follows : 1 . With paddy field plot scale experiments , the characteristics of non-point pollutant loss from the Water Bamboo & Rice Rotation and the Single Water Bamboo Plant were studied under conventional fertilization .

  24. 雄茭在一次分蘖期的光合强度要高于正常茭,对应着雄茭的植株比较高大,进一步证实茭白植株的形态建成主要在生育前期奠定基础。

    The photosynthetic intensity of Unpregnant Zizania Latifolia were much stronger than Normal Zizania Latifolia , according with the fact that Unpregnant Zizania Latifolia were much stronger , which confirm ulteriorly that the foundation of morphogenesis in Zizania Latifolia plant were mainly established in the procreate prophase .

  25. 以蕃茄,花菜、小葱、圆茭、水稻、小麦等种子在自制的介电分选试验台上作了分选试验,得到介电式分选是按种子粒重与种子活力进行分选的结论;

    In this paper , the separating performance tests have been made for seeds of vegetables , wheat and rice by the dielectric separating test-bed . It is shown that dielectric separation of seeds not only according to the difference in mass but also to the vigor of seed .
