
mò lì huā
  • jasmine
  1. 蜂蜜和茉莉花为IsseyMiyakeL’Eaud’IsseyAbsolue(售价35英镑起)带来了暖意,而茉莉花也同样是NasomattoNuda(售价128英镑)的主力调香,使之闻起来就跟它的名字一样迷人。

    Honey and jasmine give warmth to Issey Miyake L'Eau d'Issey Absolue ( from £ 35 , available mid-February ) and jasmine also forms the centrepiece of Nasomatto Nuda ( £ 128 ) , which smells as seductive as it sounds .

  2. 让你的周围充满可人的香味:茉莉花,薰衣草,檀香木。。。

    Surround yourself with pleasant smells : jasmine , lavender , sandalwood ...

  3. 接下来,把枯萎的茉莉花去掉,对茶叶进行烘焙,然后把烘焙好的茶叶再次放入新挑选的茉莉花中。

    then put the baked tea leaves into newly picked jasmin flowers again .

  4. 另一首歌是中国民歌《茉莉花》。

    The other song is " Jasmine Flower , " a Chinese folk song .

  5. 而巴西的味道则是热带动物群,以及咖啡,烟草和茉莉花。

    While Brazil 's scent oozes richrainforest fauna with a palette of coffee , tobacco and jasmine .

  6. 我仿佛记得我第一次双手满捧着这些茉莉花,这些白的茉莉花的时候。

    I seem to remember the first day when I filled my hands with these jasmines , these white jasmines .

  7. 官方皇家杂货商推出的这款限量版茶是用英国和美国产的薄荷、茉莉花绿茶以及玫瑰花瓣混合制成的。

    This limited edition tea from the official royal grocer blends English - and American-grown mint with jasmine green tea and rose petals .

  8. 在我身边,还有触手可及的铁线莲,垂落于枝叶间的茉莉花,以及一些叫做蝴蝶百合的稀有花卉,这种花的花瓣因其形似蝴蝶那对脆弱易折的翅膀而得名。

    Here , also , were trailing clematis , drooping jessamine , and some rare sweet flowers called butterfly lilies , because their fragile petals resemble butterflies ' wings .

  9. 在经济大萧条的1929年,设计师让.巴杜却将极其昂贵的珍贵香料调和成了这瓶传世经典,那些极其讲究的香料里包括了格拉斯的茉莉花以及保加利亚玫瑰。

    The perfumer - Jean Patou - created a scandal in the oppressed days of the Depression back in 1929 by combining an extradionary large amount of expensive ingredients including Jasmine from Grasse and Damascene Rose from Bulgaria .

  10. 确实,讲英语的人容易识别牛奶和茉莉花均会呈现的颜色(“白色”),但却很难识别同样的气味,比如蝙蝠粪便和姜叶的共有气味。

    Indeed , English speakers find it easy to identify the common color in milk and jasmine flowers ( " white " ) but not the common scent in , say , bat droppings and the leaf of ginger root .

  11. 茉莉酸对植物花器官发育和叶片衰老的分子调控研究进展

    Molecular Regulation Progresses of Jasmonic Acid on Plant Flower Organs Development and Leaves Senescence

  12. 茉莉花茶由茉莉花制作而成,在有香气的茶中是最受欢迎的。

    Jasmine tea is made from jasmine flowers and is the most popular among scented tea .