
fàn chóu xìng
  • categoricalness;categoricity
范畴性[fàn chóu xìng]
  1. 范畴性还隐含着另外一条性质,他把它叫做析取性。

    Categoricalness implies another property which he called it disjunctive .

  2. 复杂问题解决中表征态变化更多的依赖于范畴性知识,表现出更多的概念驱动。

    For the complex case , the variance chiefly depends on the category knowledge and appears to be more concept-driven .

  3. 复杂问题解决的关键是正确提取范畴性知识以形成对问题的深层表征。

    The key to complex problem solving lies in that category knowledge is retrieved properly so that the problems can be represented at a deeper level .

  4. 中学生物理问题解决确实是一个问题表征状态不断变化过程,这种变化可以经历无表征状态、外部表征状态、初级内部表征状态、低级范畴性表征状态、高级范畴性表征状态和符号化表征状态。

    The physics problem-solving of the high school students is the variant process of problem representation-state , and this kind of variance evolves through non-representation-state , external representation-state , primary internal representation-state , representation-state by low-level category , representation-state by high-level category and representation-state by symbol .

  5. 模糊集合论与语义范畴模糊性研究

    Studies on Fuzzy Sets Theory and the Fuzziness of Semantic Category

  6. 本文还从范畴笛卡儿闭性的角度给出了Domain理论中一个公开问题的等价描述。

    Also an equivalent statement of the famous open question in domain theory is given in terms of Cartesian closedness .

  7. 试论黑格尔艺术认识范畴的实践性内涵

    Expounding on Trial the Practice Meaning of Hegel 's Artistic Cognition

  8. 语言学和认知学范畴的标记性被视为语言迁移的两个制约因素。

    Language transfer is linguistically and cognitively restricted by markedness .

  9. 论语法范畴的相对性、模糊性、矛盾性及其原因

    On the Relativity , Obscurity , Contradiction of Grammar Category and Their Causes

  10. 模糊语言的语用基础&范畴的模糊性

    The Pragmatic Basis of Vague Language-The Vagueness of category

  11. 马克思生产劳动范畴的两重性及其统一&兼论社会主义生产劳动

    The Duality and the Unity of Category of Productive Labor in Marx 's Theory

  12. 抽象范畴的连通性与特殊对象和特殊态射

    The relationship among the connectedness of abstract category and special objects and special morphisms

  13. 美国研究或对美国的研究&试析中外美国研究范畴的不对称性

    American Studies or Study of America & Analyzing Asymmetry in American Studies of Different Countries

  14. 函子范畴上加性函子的表示

    Representations of Additive Functors over Functor Categories

  15. 范畴的层次性和原型特征是人类认知世界的方式的具体体现。

    The levels of categorization and the prototype is the concrete representation to recognize the world .

  16. 语法范畴具有民族性,每种语言的语法范畴所概括的语法意义往往不是等同的。

    Grammatical category takes on nationality , and the meaning of it in each language is different .

  17. 马克思阐述资本范畴的规定性的基本原理,同样适用于社会主义经济。

    The fixed fundamental tenets of Marxism on Capital range are also applicable to socialist market economy .

  18. 为了弥补语法手段与逻辑范畴的局限性,语言自身不得不建构一套更加富有弹性的机制。

    Because of the limitation of grammar method and logic category , language itself has to construct a more flexible mechanism .

  19. 体育英语翻译属于实用性翻译的范畴,实用性翻译强调翻译文本完成指定功能的准确性。

    Sports English translation belongs to the category of applied translation which emphasizes fulfillment and accurateness of the appointed aims of the texts .

  20. 本文在分析我国立法现状的基础上,重点从立法理论上论证了将性贿赂纳入刑法贿赂范畴的必要性。

    This text , on the basis of analysing current situation of legislation of our country , includes sex bribery in criminal law .

  21. 安全化是理解非传统安全概念和安全内涵拓展的一个非常重要的范畴和关键性步骤。

    Securitization is a very important category and a pivotal step for understanding the concept of non-traditional security and the extended connotation of security .

  22. 系统范畴具有普遍性,以系统论的观点考察民事诉讼法律关系,可发现这一关系所内含的种种系统特质。

    By using system theory to examine the system of legal relationship in civil lawsuit , the system features in this relationship can be detected .

  23. 第三节探讨易象思维的另一个产物&意境,它是对语言局限性、范畴类分性和个体有限性的超越。

    The third section discussed another product of Yi-logy called poetic imagery , which is a transcendence of limitations of language , category and individual .

  24. 口头文学的多元范畴及其整体性视角的可能组织理论的整合框架研究&从多视角到一体化

    The Interpretations of Oral Narrative from Multiple-views to the Possibility of a Holistic Perspective A STUDY ON THE INTEGRATED FRAMEWORK OF ORGANIZATION THEORY & FROM MULTI-PERSPECTIVES TO INTEGRATION

  25. 费希特的哲学却有一个大的功绩,他促使我们注意到一点:即须揭示出思维范畴的必然性,并主要地推演出范畴的必然性来。

    To the philosophy of Fichte belongs the great merit of having called attention to the need of exhibiting the necessity of these categories and giving a genuine deduction of them .

  26. 认知语言学对文学翻译选词择义的影响主要在于认知体验性和语义范畴家族相似性。

    Cognitive linguistics has an impact on the choice of words in literary translation , as is focused on the bodily experiential nature of cognition and the family resemblance of semantic prototypes .

  27. 个人、集体或范畴的区别性特征或属性.关于两性之间的区别特征。

    " a distinguishing feature or attribute , as of an individual , a group , or a category . " relating to characteristics that are expressed differently in the two sexes .

  28. 根据术语的形式对术语所表示概念具有的解释力的大小,可以划分出形象理据性、范畴理据性和有序性三个理据层级。

    In terms of the explaining power the form of a term affords when it denotes a concept , there are three levels of motivations , namely , image , category and order .

  29. “现代性”与“现代化”概念的区别首先在于,现代化主要是一个在经济学与社会学层面上谈论的范畴,现代性则主要是一个哲学范畴;

    The differences between " modernity " and " modernization " consist in the following facts . Firstly , modernization is mainly a category of economics and sociology , whereas modernity a philosophic category .

  30. 我国个人破产中自由财产的立法,依据我国破产立法的现状,障碍在于破产主体范畴的局限性。

    As for our country , according to the present situation of the bankruptcy law , the problem of the exempt property legislation in the individual bankruptcy law is the range of bankruptcy subject is limited .