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  1. 当时,绝大多数人认为不可轻举妄动,但苻坚却坚持己见。

    In discussion , Fu Jian insisted the march despite most of his ministers opposed the risking operation .

  2. 次年七月,苻坚下诏大举伐晋,在全国征兵。

    In July of the following year , Fu Jian ordered a decisive campaign and started to draft recruits the nationwide .

  3. 382年(太元七年)一月,前秦苻坚召集群臣商议南伐,准备统一中国。

    In January 382 , The King of Former Qin called together his ministers to discuss the expenditure plan to reunify the imperial China .

  4. 谢玄派人要求苻融把阵地后移,以便晋军渡河决战,苻坚企图在晋军半渡时发动突然袭击,便挥军后撤。

    When asked to move back a little for a decisive battle so that Jin troops could cross the river , Fu Jian agreed , hoping to strike his blow home while the Jin troops were half-way across .
