
yīnɡ bànɡ qū
  • the sterling area/bloc
  1. 像苏格兰民族党(scottishnationalparty)所建议的那样,在一个未定期限内继续留在英镑区,不可能由单方面决定。

    Remaining within the sterling area for an unknown period , as the Scottish National Party suggests , cannot be a unilateral decision .

  2. 他们不能以为自己还能留在英镑区,或者保留现在的金融业。

    They cannot assume they would be able to remain inside the sterling area or retain anything like their present financial sector .

  3. 答案是告诉苏格兰说它可以留在英镑区内,条件是该货币联盟的机构必须依照英国其余地区的法律成立、并向英国政府负责。

    By saying that Scotland can be in the sterling area , provided the institutions of that union are established under the law of the rest of the UK and are accountable to its government .

  4. 在每一个货币区,投资者似乎都会选择一个避风港:在美元区是美国联邦政府;在英镑区是英国政府;在欧元区是德国政府。

    Investors seem to choose one safe haven per currency area : the US federal government in the dollar area ; the UK government in the sterling area ; and the German government in the eurozone .

  5. 但在这样的联盟中,苏格兰和苏格兰人的话语权比现在还低。他们将保有求助英镑区最后贷款人的权力,但需为此付出高昂的代价。

    But it would be one in which Scotland and the Scots would have still less weight than now . They would retain access to a lender of last resort within the sterling area , but at a heavy price .

  6. 这个“冰岛问题”的解决办法之一,是英国放弃英镑,加入欧元区。

    Part of the solution to this " Iceland problem " is for the UK to give up sterling and join the euro instead .