
  • 网络British Punk
  1. 这支乐队大概仅仅维持了三年时间,但他们的音乐无疑开创了英国朋克运动的先河,并对其产生了深远影响。

    The band may have lasted for a mere three years , but their music has no doubt initiated and influenced the punk movement in the United Kingdom .

  2. 这家酒店因英国朋克乐队“性手枪”前贝斯手席德•维瑟斯谋杀女友一案而闻名于世。

    The Chelsea Hotel is best known as the place where Sid Vicious killed his girlfriend , Nancy Spungen . Vicious was the former bass player for English punk band the Sex Pistols .

  3. 这支英国朋克乐队组建于1975年,最初的成员包括约翰尼·罗登(主唱)、保罗·库克(鼓手)、史蒂夫·琼斯(吉他手)和格伦·马特洛克(贝司手)。

    The English punk band was formed in 1975 . Originally , the members were Johnny Rotten ( vocals ), Paul Cook ( drums ), Steve Jones ( guitars ) and Glen Matlock ( bass ) .