
  • 网络BULLDOG;British Bulldog;english bulldog;bull dog
  1. 英格兰球星贝克汉姆家的小狗看起来是只凶猛的英国斗牛犬,但是它的主人却想展示下它温柔的一面。

    She might look like a tough British bulldog , but it seems the Beckhams want to give their favourite pet a softer side .

  2. 一名前军队急救员,以口对口人工呼吸,救活了窒息的爱犬。贪吃的“史黛拉”是一只英国斗牛犬,在烤肉派对上发现一根12.7厘米的骨头。

    A former army first-aider brought his dog back from the dead by giving her the kiss of life after she choked on a12.7cm bone , the Mirror reported Wednesday .